1. 篇首处常考
2. 篇尾处常考
3. 表示并列、转折、因果关系以及强调处常考
若文中出现下列词语,则要注意: 如not only…but also, because, so, since, but, however, the only 等。
例1: What shouldn’t be too surprising according to the speaker?
A) Sales assistants promoting high margin goods.
B) Customers competing for good bargains.
C) Sales assistants following customers around.
D) Customers losing all sense of time.
原文: Supermarkets have made selling such a fine art that their customers often lose all sense of time. When interviewed, customers normally guess they’ve only spent half an hour in the supermarket even when they have been there for over 45 minutes. But that shouldn’t be too surprising. Any really profitable supermarket knows that it should keep its clocks well hidden.
答案: D)。短文提到了一次调查,接受调查的顾客中,很多已经在超市里待了45分钟的人感觉自己仅待了半个小时,
4. 表示类比和举例处常考
若文中出现以下词语,一定要多加注意: 如for example, for instance, firstly, secondly, thirdly, the first, the second, first, next等。
例2: What does the speaker say about Trent Maguire, a thirteen-year-old boy?
A) He always boasts about his rich father.
B) He has too much to know the value of things.
C) He will grow up to be good for nothing.
D) He is too young to manage his inherited property.
原文: When every dream can come true, kids don’t learn the value of anything because they have everything. A thirteen-year-old boy, Trent Maguire, has a driver, credit cards and unlimited cash to do what he wants when he wants to. “One day, I’ll earn more than my dad!” he boasts.
答案: B)。短文提到,当每个梦想都实现时,孩子们不会知道任何事物的价值,因为他们已经拥有了一切。13岁的特伦•马奎尔有司机、信用卡以及无限量的现金,他可以想干什么就干什么。
5. 年份、年龄、价钱、时间等数字处常考
例3: What is the speaker complaining about?
A) The lack of time. C) The frustrations at work.
B) The quality of life. D) The pressure on working families.
原文: This is hardly a lonesome complaint, according to the families and work institutes, national study of the changing work force, 55% of the employees say they don’t have enough time for themselves, 63% don’t have enough time for their spouses or partners, and 67% don’t have enough time for their children.
答案: A)。短文提到,55%的员工说他们没有足够的时间供自己支配,
6. 形容词和副词比较级与最高级处常考
例4: Why does the speaker say financial targets are less likely to motivate workers?
A) They will not bring real benefits to the staff.
B) They concern a small number of people only.
C) They are arbitrarily set by the administrators.
D) They are beyond the control of ordinary workers.
原文: Such values are more likely to motivate workers than financial targets which automatically only concern a few people. Unfortunately, there’s only a limited number of such goals to go around and by definition, not all the competing companies in that industry can seriously plan to be the best.
答案: B)。短文提到,团队精神比金钱更能激发员工的工作热情,因为金钱利益必然只会与个别人相关。因此,答案为B)。
在BEC商务英语听力中,短文听力大家应该好好去了解。备考的时候要注意其中的规律和方法,下面就是一套具体的短文听力训练办法,考生可以从BEC中级历年考题中选取不同题材和不同体裁的文章,依据以下几个步骤,进行精听训练。 一般说来,应对BEC中级听力特别是短文听力,其备考训练必须抓住竖听和横听两点结合来进行。所谓竖听,是指一套题目从头听到尾,从第一题听到最后一题。所谓横听,是指...
商务英语写作应该重视起来,如果觉得难度不高,可以不用花费大量的时间在上面,但是定期的练习、复习必不可少。下面介绍商务英语短文之范文,希望可以帮助到大家。 DISPUTED BALANCENOTICE Date: _ To: _ We are in receipt ofyour statement dated _, 19_,i...
一、 知己知彼百战不殆——主要考查内容及形式这类题要求根据给定短文(原文)的意思,在6个选项句子(陈述句)中分别选出5个符合语法知识、逻辑结构和前后内容意思衔接的选项,补充到原文划线的填充处,使原文成为一篇意思完整、前后连贯的短文,所以这类题实际上是段落填充题。这类题本意是要考查较高的阅读能力、基础知识(语法、词汇等)和综合逻辑思...
比照常见的情况有: 1)填充处前后句子是转折(让步)关系。有两种情况,其一,是后面句子没有任何表示转折的连接词,只是在意思上的转折,这种情况其明显是要求填入一个带有转折连接词的句子,目标明确,一下子就能在选项中把表示转折的选项确定了,这种考题出现的机率较多,得分较为容易,不要错过,只需大概了解是转折关系,找到有转折连接词的选项就行了;其二,是前后面句子已经出现了...