



Q:What types of clothes do you like the most?

A:Well,I like to wear casual clothes especially T-shirts and jeans as it is quite comfortable to wear and make me feel at ease.

Q:When you buy clothes would you think of the influence of different colors?

A:Actually,I will.I will chose the bright-colored one like white,yellow,and red,because I think that it suit me well,give me more confidence,and make me look more attractive.

Q:What factors would you take into account when shopping for clothes?

A:Well,usually,I would think about the brand,price,material and the design.Another thing I like to say is that I also think about the color.Like I say easier,I would chose the bright-colored clothes like yellow,white and red.

Q:Do you always buy expensive clothes?

A:Not that often actually.Because I am a student and I am not financially independent so I can‘t afford too expensive clothes and I also think that it is not worthy to spent too much in clothes.

Q:On what occasions do people wear informal or formal clothes?

A:Uh,let me have a little think,for example,people often go to work by wearing uniforms or they always wear black suits when go to a interview or a business meeting.Also,women wear gowns when there is big events like weddings and wine parties and so on.

6、食物与烹饪Food &Cooking

Q:What kind of diet do you like/dislike?

A1:Yeah,I love the sweet food especially ice-cream.The sweet food very tasty and help me improve my appetite.Well,I could not eat enough of it.

A2:Well,I do not like the hot food like 川菜.Because it always drive me crazy when the peppery foods in my mouth and I even could not feel my mouth.

Q:What make a healthy diet?

A:It is really hard to say,but I think we should not always eat what we like.We should try other foods even though we dislike it.Another thing I want to say is that we should keep our diet balance so we could  get enough nutrition.Only in this way,we could keep fit with our bodies.

Q:Can you cook ?What can you cook?

A:Yeah,I can cook a little things such as fired eggs with tomato, cooking noodles and so on.Even though my friends always said that they are not so tasty,I still love cooking.

Q:Who does most of the cooking in your family?

A:Um,my mother do the most of cook in my family.Because she cook well and she stay at home and take care of family.

Q:Do you think people should learn cooking?

A:I can not agree with you anymore.Firstly,it is an important survival skill.And also,if we know how to cook,we could be able to eat what we want.It is not only healthy and money-saving,we also could invite friends together to share with our foods.I think it is super.

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