时间:11月3日(星期日)19:30 - 20:30
阎成席: 从事英语教学和翻译工作长达20多年,语言功力深厚,教学效果良好。现已出版了几本英语学习指导书籍,今年11月份金盾出版社将出版和发行本人编写的《英语实用案例写作语料库》。近几年来,大量翻译了国内著名财经专栏学者的时评文章,如:傅蔚冈、聂日明、周子衡和王闻等。 点击关注老师部落主页>> |
There are four guys living in the same dorm room, respectively Zhang Qiang, Li Ming, Huang Dongdong and me (Three other roommates share the dormitory with me, Zhang Qiang, Li Ming and Huang Dongdong respectively/Our small dorm room accommodates four roommates, respectively Zhang Qiang, Li Ming, Huang Dongdong and me). Actually we are of about the same/similar age/ we are close in age, enjoying a great relationship/getting along well /hitting it off/ having a good relationship with each other (, so we are is in rapport with one another or on good terms/on a friendly footing with one another).
In our daily life, we are bound to have the ruffles and clashes among us(it goes without saying that we have ….), now arguing or bickering about something/falling out and then coming into conflict /getting involved in dispute, yet we can calm down to figure out the reasons of our problems and try to solve them with joint efforts (but we can put our heads together for the immediate solution to our problems) so that we can clear the air or dispel/clear away any misunderstanding and that these trivial clashes won’t affect our brotherhood.
We are going to graduate from college next year and will go our separate ways/drift away/depart from each other with a view to making our own living/earn our own bread and aspiring/going after/pursuing a brighter future. I’ve already made up my mind to go back to my rural hometown in the south and become a modern swineherd, raising pigs in bulk at home.
However, as it should be/ without doubt, my family won’t hear of my decision to get back home for farm work as they think since/now that I’ve been well educated in the city, I should try my utmost to stay on for a struggle to build my own career and a bright future or to settle down to earn my living with a better career and a happy family, thus totally getting away from the country life.
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有人喜欢猫,有人喜欢狗。那你是猫奴(cat person)还是狗奴(dog person)呢?据说喜欢不同的动物也能折射出你内心不同的个性特点哦!英语中跟小猫小狗有关的习语也有很多,看看你认得几个:Rain cats and dogs 是天空中下起了小猫小狗雨吗?Cat and dog life 是养猫又养狗...
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公开课地点:CCTalk商务活动室时间:4月24日(星期三) 20:10 - 21:10主讲老师:魏峰...