As is vividly portrayed in the drawing above,there is a mobile phone hold by a hand surrounded by tens of or even hundreds of short messages.The words in the picture say”junk short messages”.Obviously,there are too many junk short messages to endure.
No doubt the mobile phone ,as one of the most important telecommunication tools,has demonstrated its obvious advantages in our daily lives,but we have to admit that nowadays junk short messages have also made the mobile phone users complain incessantly.Many junk short messages pour forth like a flood every day,which not only waste our time and effort,but also affect our moods and work.
We should not turn a blind eye to this any more.From my point of view,some relevant laws and regulations should be established to prevent people from sending junk short messages at random.
桂林医学院2018年下半年全国大学英语等级考试报名通知 招生考试院通知,2018年下半年全国大学英语四六级考试笔试(以下简称CET)和英语应用能力B级考试将分别于12月15、16日举行,全国大学英语四六级考试口试(以下简称CET-SET)分别于11月17、18日举行。根据要求...
黑龙江省2022年下半年全国大学英语四、六级考试笔试(CET)和口试(CET-SET)报名工作即将开始,现将报名相关事宜通知如下: 黑龙江省...