
新视野大学英语2读写教程课文原文unit 7 Lighten Your Load _3

Section C

How Well Do You Handle Daily Stress?

How well do you cope? Choose the answer closest to how you react in the situation described. If the situation is unfamiliar, choose the answer closest to how you might react.

1. Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries... it seems impossible to avoid spending money.

a. You have your name taken off gift lists so you don't have to buy gifts.

b. Despite the expense, you enjoy choosing gifts for any occasion.

c. You give only to those who are most important to you.

2. You had an automobile accident; you have to appear in court(法庭).

a. You lose sleep from the anxiety and bother of appearing in court.

b. It's an unimportant event, one of those things that happens in life. You will reward yourself with a little gift after court.

c. You forget about it. You will cope with it when the day comes.

3. Some furniture and carpets in your house were damaged by a leak(裂缝)in the water pipes. You discover your insurance doesn't cover the loss.

a. You become depressed and complain bitterly about the insurance company.

b. You recover the furniture yourself.

c. You think about canceling your insurance and writing a letter of complaint to the Better Business Bureau(局).

4. You've had a fight with your neighbor. Nothing was resolved.

a. You go home, fix a strong drink, try to relax and forget about it.

b. You call your lawyer to discuss a possible lawsuit(诉讼案件).

c. You work off your anger by taking a walk.

5. The pressures of modern day living have made you and your spouse irritable(易怒).

a. You decide to take it easy and not be forced into any arguments.

b. You try to discuss irritating matters with a third person so that you can make your feelings known without an argument.

c. You insist on discussing the problems with your spouse to see how you can reduce the pressure.

6. A close friend is about to get married. In your opinion, it will be a disaster.

a. You convince yourself your early fears are incorrect, and hope for the best.

b. You decide not to worry because there's still time for a change of plans.

c. You decide to present your point of view; you explain your reasoning seriously to your friend.

7. You are worried about rising food prices.

a. Despite rising prices, you refuse to change your eating habits.

b. Your anger level rises every time you see an increase in price from the week before, but you buy anyway.

c. You try to spend less and plan good menus anyway.

8. Finally your abilities have been recognized; you've been offered an important job.

a. You think of turning down the chance because the job is too demanding.

b. You begin to doubt you can handle the added responsibility successfully.

c. You analyze(分析)what the job requires and prepare yourself to do it.

9. You suspect your rent(房租)or some other regular expense will increase.

a. You pick up the mail anxiously each day and breathe with peace when the letter isn't there.

b. You decide not to be caught by surprise. You plan how to handle the situation.

c. You feel everyone is in the same situation; somehow you'll cope with the increase.

10. Someone close to you has been seriously hurt in an accident; you hear the news by phone.

a. You hold back your feelings for the moment because other friends and relatives have to be told the news.

b. You hang up and burst into tears.

c. You call your doctor and ask for pills to keep you calm through the next few hours.

11. You've won an expensive car in a competition. You could use a car but it seems this is going to change your life considerably(相当程度地).

a. You worry about the added problems your good luck will bring.

b. You sell it and buy a smaller car, banking the money left over.

c. You decide to enjoy the car and to worry about the added expense later.

12. Every holiday there is a serious argument in the family about whether to visit your parents or those of your spouse.

a. You make a rigid 5-year plan, requiring you to spend each holiday with different members of the family.

b. You decide you'll spend important holidays with family members you like best and ask others to join you for lesser holidays.

c. You decide the fairest thing is not to celebrate with the family at all; it's less trouble.

13. You're not feeling well.

a. You diagnose your own illness and then read about it.

b. You gather up your courage, talk about it at home and go to see your doctor.

c. You delay going to the doctor thinking that you will eventually feel better.

14.Your youngest child is leaving home and going into the world.

a. You discuss this development with friends to see how they're handling it.

b. You give all the help you can and plan new interests for yourself.

c. You try to talk the young person into staying home a bit longer.

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