1. immune 2. acquire 3. constitutes 4. define 5. infected, infect
6. illustrates 7. emerge 8. emphasize 9. represents 10. threatened
1. regardless of 2. at risk 3. handing out 4. distracts…from 5. sign up for
6. be infected with 7. guard against 8. feel comfortable with/about 9. in place of
10. suffering from
V. 1.L 2.G 3.I 4.J 5.M 6.D 7.O 8.A 9.C 10.F
1. the way he teaches English
2. whom I was expecting to stay with
3. which was lost in the department store yesterday
4. where Mary and I spent our childhood
5. which the whole family considered a great honor
1. Despite his illness
2. Despite a lot of difficulties
3. despite his old age
4. despite the bad weather
5. despite his hard work
1. I hope that the effort that we’ve made will be of some use to the battle against AIDS.
2. Despite all the efforts form the local organizations in the battle against AIDS, the number of people in rural areas diagnosed with AIDS has been increasing.
3. Please turn off the TV, because the noise will distract her from her homework.
4. It was a long time before the company implemented the program to improve the quality of its goods because of lack of money and necessary equipment.
5. You’d better learn something about the course before signing up for it.
6. The policy is playing a more and more important role in promoting the development of local economy.
2. 有人说我们许多人饮食太糟,缺乏维他命和矿物质,因而我们的身心都受到损害。
3. 生物医学研究将会使很多艾滋病病毒感染者延长寿命,生活少些痛苦。
4. 中央政府已经发布了一项五年行动计划,旨在鼓励社会各部门都参与艾滋病的防治。
5. 一个人感染了艾滋病毒,其症状一般要6到10年后才会表现出来。
6. 许多年来,人们眼睁睁看着艾滋病泛滥成灾,争论着有效的艾滋病防治措施在贫穷国家究竟是否适用。
1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B
11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C
Structured Writing
Build more tall apartment buildings. The increase in population in cities is creating a housing problem. To solve the problem, one-family houses and older ones are being pulled down to make room for tall apartment buildings. When building space on the ground is used up, we can make use of the space in the air. This will help solve the housing problem in cities.
Section B
Reading Skills
1. 1) I hurt myself when diving
2) I hit my head on the board
2. 1) I was very worried about something serious.
2) I was very worried that my wound had left blood in the pool.
3. 1) There was something more significant that winning.
2) I was very worried that I might infect other divers with AIDS as I spilled my blood in the pool.
Comprehension of the Text
II. 1.D 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.D
1. assist 2. bleeding ing 4. confident 5. explored 6. commenced
7. intense 8. adopted 9. spill 10. confused
1. Prior of →Prior to 2. confident with →confident of/in 3. by haste →in haste 4. find about→ find out 5. assist his wife on →assist his wife with 6. with fear→for fear 7. competed with each other with → competed with each other for 8. thrust his knife to → thrust his knife into 9. have a shot in → have a shot at 10. starts at → starts with
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