


The holidays are here. In the past few weeks, students everywhere have been frantically finishing assignments, making valiant attempts at Christmas dinner and packing up their rooms into Tardis-like suitcases, ready for the journey home.

University can be exhausting, whether you’re in your first or final year and, like most undergraduates, I wanted to do next to nothing during the breaks.

Unfortunately, after a few extra lie-ins, some mouth-watering home cooking and several pub sessions – things can get boring.

You’ll probably never have holidays this long again, so make sure you make them productive, whether it's this Christmas, or the next extensive break.

Think about the future

It’s never too early (or late) to consider what you want to do over the next few years and these spells of downtime give you a chance to think.

Dust off the felt tips and start Googling: are you enjoying your chosen course? If not, what else is out there? Are you interested in travelling, either as part of your degree or after graduation? Which jobs or graduate schemes appeal to you?

Mulling over your options is a handy way to kill a few hours when you’ve had enough of This Morning.

Get a temporary job

If the current state of your bank account is giving you sweaty night terrors then the solution is to work.

Whether it’s mucking out petting pets at a Farm Park in the summer, stacking supermarket shelves at Christmas, or temping in an office, the good news is there’s always plenty of seasonal work available to students and don't think you've left it too late this Christmas- you're bound to find some shops looking for last minute cover.

Try volunteering

Volunteering is an easy way of exploring your interests, meeting new people and enhancing your CV while doing something fantastic for your community.

You can volunteer in pretty much anything imaginable and you don’t need to commit loads of free time: try a one-off fundraising day helping with local bucket collections or micro-volunteering – which involves charitable actions of around 30 minutes – such as online tutoring, planting trees or walking dogs.

Study (a bit)

When you finally get your degree result you’ll either be popping the Prosecco or kicking yourself for not putting in enough effort. University terms take up just over half the year, so studying in the holidays is a must.

If you’ve got exams or assessments coming up then revise and look at feedback from tutors to address your weak points.

Obviously you don’t have to get through the whole reading list – trying to pick out a few extra books could really improve the quality of your essays.

Make memories

The best bit about the holidays is catching up with friends and family so make the most of it. I arranged a board games night with my family and although they weren’t ecstatic about it, I loved it.

Get all your home friends together and play poker with Quality Street instead of cash, organise your own bake off, or reminisce over cringeworthy childhood videos. Throw alcohol into the mix and you’ll be winning.

Meet up with your university mates and do something you wouldn’t normally do at uni, like visiting a museum or gallery. My friends are partial to trips involving aquariums and penny press machines.

The point is, if you pack your holidays with beneficial work, personally rewarding experiences and fun times, you will have succeeded in making this invaluable time count. Go and enjoy it.



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