A: The weather is so cold it is almost polar .
B: Oh, it is not that bad!
polar a. 1. 地极的,近地极的
2. 磁极的
3. 正好相反的,截然对立的
A: Is your shirt make from cotton?
B: No, the fabric is man-made, it is polyester
polyester n. 聚脂(纤维),涤纶
A: Wake up and pay attention!
B: Oh, I was not sleeping, I was just pondering on your comments.
ponder v. 思索,考虑,沉思
A: I got a pony for my birthday.
B: Lucky you! Can I also learn how to ride it?
pony n. 矮种马,小马
A: Do we have any popcorn ?
B: No, you’ll just have to watch the movie without it.
popcorn n. 爆玉米花,炒苞米
A: The Pope came to visit my country last year.
B: He must have drawn a large crowd.
pope n. [常the P_](天主教)教皇,罗马主教
A: Is that vase made from porcelain ?
B: No, it is glass.
porcelain n. 瓷,瓷器
A: Where did you put my umbrella?
B: In the porch to dry.
porch n. 门廊
A: I had a cold shower to unblock my pores .
B: Yes, I have heard that cold water is good for the skin.
pore n. 毛孔,细孔
vi. (over) 仔细阅读,审视
A: What do you think this painting is trying to portray ?
B: I’m not sure, let me have another look.
portray vt. 1. 描写,描绘
2. 扮演,饰演
A: Did you read the postscript on the letter?
B: No, I must not have read that far.
postscript n. 1.(信末签名后的)附言,又及
A: You have excellent posture .
B: Thanks, I used to be a dancer.
posture n. 1. 姿势,姿态
2. 看法,态度
vi. 摆出(不自然的)姿势,装模作样
A: You recovered from your illness quickly.
B: Yes, I took some potent medicine.
potent a. 1.(药等)效力大的,威力大的
2. 强有力的,有说服力的
A: I made this cup and bowl!
B: Oh, did you take a pottery class?
pottery n. 1. 陶器,陶瓷器皿
2. 陶器制造(术)
3. 陶器厂
A: How many chickens do you have on your poultry farm.
B: Too many to count!
poultry n. 家禽,禽肉
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