►谨致问候Yours (very) truly, *用于商业。
►谨致问候Sincerely yours, *稍带亲近的感觉,用于商务信函或给朋友的信中。
►谨致问候Cordially, *稍带亲近的感觉,用于商务信函或给朋友的信中。
►谨致问候My best regards, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。
►谨致问候With best regards, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。
►谨致问候The very best to you, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。
►谨致问候Best wishes, *带有个人的语感,用在给朋友写信时。
We would appreciate an early reply. *比较直率的表达方式,要注意是发给谁的。
We look forward to your favorable reply. *也可用于客人。favorable 表示“好意的,喜欢的”。
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. *prompt “迅速的,敏捷的”。
►回信请寄到上述地址。Please write us at the above address.
►我们希望您能……We hope that you will...
在此方面如果能够得到您的合作我将非常感谢。Your kind cooperation in this respect is greatly appreciated.Your kind cooperation on this issue is greatly appreciated.
►我们希望能够继续得到你们的合作和支持。We hope we can count on your continued cooperation and support. *只限用在对方比较熟悉的情况下。count on “指望”。
►我们期待着您的……We look forward to your...
►我们确信我们的请求将……We trust our request will... *trust 包含了hope(希望)和believe(相信)两个词的意义。
-表明诚意 要求合作-
►我们期待着当……的那一刻。We are looking forward to the time when...
►请您不必客气,尽管与我们联系。Please do not hesitate to contact us. *hesitate “犹豫,踌躇”。Please do not hesitate to call us.
►我们渴望在……方面给您以援助。We are always anxious to assist you in... *be anxious to “渴望,想……”。We are always willing to assist you in...
►如果您有什么问题的话,请不必客气,尽管与我们联系。Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. *在商业书信中常用,最好能记住。If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. *比上一句更为口语化。
►谢谢您提醒我们注意此事。Thank you for calling this matter to our attention. *call somebody's attention “促使……注意”,该句多用于受到抱怨时。
►非常感谢您给予我们的合作。Thank you very much for your cooperation.
►谢谢您提供给我们这样服务的机会。Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.
►我们感谢能有这样的机会去……We appreciate this opportunity to...Thank you for this opportunity to...
►很高兴和你们保持贸易关系。It is always a pleasure doing business with you.It is always a pleasure serving you.It is always a pleasure to serve you.
►请接受我们诚挚的歉意。Please accept our sincere apologies. *最后再一次重申,表达自己的歉意。accept “(就……给予)承认,接受”。
►我以我个人的身份为……向您赔礼道歉。I want to extend my personal apologies for...
►我们预祝您在新的一年里将更加辉煌和成功。We wish you a bright and successful New Year.
►我们确信今后……将继续不断地增加。We trust that an increase in ... will continue in the future.We trust that an increase in sales will continue in the future. (我们确信今后销售量将继续不断地增加。)
►我们被告知……We are told that...
►我们从青木先生那儿了解到……We understand from Mr. Aoki that...
►我们察觉到……We observed that...We found out that...We discovered that...
►我们希望提醒贵方注意……We would like to call your attention to... *用于必须说出很严重的事情时。
►我们想利用这次的机会就……事提醒您。May we take this occasion to remind you that... *有礼貌但语气严厉。用于欠款到期不还等情况时。May we take this opportunity to remind you that...
►我们希望您能……We hope that you will...
►我们希望收到……We hope to receive...
►我对……很感兴趣。We are interested in... *适用于索取资料时。
►我们渴望知道……We would be interested to learn...
►如果您能告诉我们……,我们将不胜感激。We would appreciate it if you will let us know...We would appreciate it if you would let us know...We shall appreciate it if you would let us know...
►我们能麻烦您将……寄给我们吗?May we ask you to send us...?
►非常感谢您为我们提供的一切。We thank you for your offer.
►您……,我们不胜感激。I appreciate very much that you...
►对贵方的大力合作我们万分感激。We appreciate your cooperation and...
►得知……,我们感到很遗憾。It is regretful to learn of...
►我们抱歉地通知您……We are sorry to inform you that...
►为……,我们深表遗憾。We are very sorry that...
►我们遗憾地通知您……We regret to inform you that...
►*We are sorry...带有说话人犯有过失的语气。而用We regret和regret则不清楚过错是在哪一方。It is regretted that...
►就……,我们表示歉意。We apologize for...
►We deeply apologize for... *更加强调。
►我们对……感到非常抱歉。We are very sorry for... *比We apologize for...的语气要婉转的道歉方式。
►我们不得不遗憾地通知您……We are sorry to inform you that...
►我们不得不很遗憾地提醒您……We very much regret to have to remind you of...
►我们请求您对……给予注意。We invite your attention to... *用于引起别人注意时。attention “注意”。We would like to call your attention to... *比较礼貌的说法。
►我们想提醒您注意……May we remind you that...?
►May we take this occasion to remind you that...? *语气较委婉,“借此机会我想就一问题提醒您的注意”。
►我们想指出……We wish to point out that... *wish to... 虽然缓和了“我认为……”的语气,但是说法仍然比较直接。point out “指出”。
►我们非常高兴地获悉……We are delighted to learn that... *用于私人的或和对方很熟的情况下。delight “非常高兴”。
►衷心地祝贺你……Congratulations on your...We would like to offer our congratulations on your...
►刚刚惊悉××不幸逝世,我们深感悲痛。We have just learned with profound sorrow of the passing away of... *profound “发自内心的”,sorrow 表示“悲痛”。
►对××的不幸逝世我们深感痛惜。We wish to express our deep regret over the passing of... *death 也可以代替passing, 但是death说法太直接,最好避开。
►请接受我们诚挚的哀悼。Please accept my sincerest condolences.
►我们同意你们关于……的意见。We agree with you on...We agree with you on the following issues... (我们同意以下几点。)
►我们完全同意您信上所提出的所有问题。We are in full agreement with the points raised in your letter. *raise 表示“提出质问、异议”。We are in complete agreement with the points outlined in your letter.
►我们非常高兴能有机会……We are very pleased to have the opportunity to...We are very pleased to be in a position to... *较绕圈子的说法。
►我们非常高兴地……We will be delighted to...We will be delighted to meet with you on June 4, 1998. (我们非常高兴地期待着能在1998年6月4日见到您。)
►我们认为……We think that...We believe that... (我们相信……)We understand that... (我们理解……)
►我们强烈地感到……We feel strongly that...We feel strongly that our products are the best. (我们强烈地感到我们的产品是最好的。)
►我们所理解的是……It is our understanding that...We understand that...
►我们对……完全没有异议。We do not anticipate any objections to...We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal. (我们对贵社的提议没有任何异议。)
►我们找不到任何理由……We can see no reason why... *直译是“我们不明白为什么必须……的理由。”Why以下是说话人认为不太合适的事情。“我们一向不认为……”、“我们对不那样做没有异议”、以这种煞有介事的语气使对方感
►我们不清楚您到底是怎么想的。It is not (quite) clear to us what you had in mind.It is not clear to us what you meant.It is not clear to us what you intended.
►使我们担心的一点是……The one point that concerned us (a little) was... *concern “担心,在意”。The one point that troubled us was...
►我们对……感到担心和挂念。We have become concerned with regards to...We have become concerned with regards to the shipment schedule. (我们对装船的日程感到担心和挂念。)
►我们正在……过程中。We are (now) in the process of... *in the process “正在……,……正在进行中”。We are in the process of reviewing your suggestion. (我们正在重新研究贵社所提出的方案。)
►我们非常重视……We value ... highly.We value your suggestion highly. (我们非常重视贵社所提出的建议。)
►我们非常感谢您提出的这件事。We thank you for raising the issue. *内容可能是好,也可能是坏。
►您的建议将由……进行讨论。Your suggestions are being followed up by...Your suggestions are being followed up by our committee. (您的建议将在我们委员会进行讨论。Your suggestions are being reviewed by...
久仰! I ve heard so much about you. 好久不见了! Long time no see....
今天小编为同学们整理了BEC商务英语考试中级听力:电话常用语,一起来学习吧!Front Desk. Can I help you?前台,需要我为您服务吗?...
今天小编为同学们整理了BEC商务英语考试中级听力:电话常用语,一起来学习吧!This is he speaking.我就是。...
今天小编为同学们整理了BEC商务英语考试中级听力:电话常用语,一起来学习吧!What can we do to fix things?那现在我们要怎么办呢?...
写作时英语中的常见知识点,也是英语考试中的常见题型。如果是BEC商务英语考试中的写作,大家有信心圆满的完成吗?下面这些内容就是BEC写作信函或电子邮件时实用的常用语,感兴趣的朋友千万不要错过,拿出本子记下来当然最好。 谨致问候 Yours(very)truly,*用于商业 Sincerely[sn'sl] Sincerely...