☑ 把某事考虑在内
take sth into account /consideration
☑ 值得做某事
be worth doing sth
☑ 取决于某事
sth depends on sth
☑ 把时间和精力放在…上
focus / spend time and energy on…
☑ 身心两方面
both physically and mentally
☑ 提出折中提议
set forth a compromise proposal
☑ 社会进步的反映
A mirror of social progress
☑ 充分利用
make full use of /take advantage of..
☑ 承受更大的…压力
suffer from heavier pressure of … / shoulder heavier burden of …
☑ 保障社会的稳定和繁荣
guarantee the stability and prosperity of the society
☑ 更多地强调
put more emphasis on…
☑ 适应社会发展
adapt oneself to the development of society
☑ 从…到…;在…范围内变动
range from… to…
☑ 主要理由列举如下
the main reasons are listed as follows:
☑ …必然趋势
an irresistible trend of…
☑ 日益激烈的社会竞争
the increasingly fierce / keen social competition
☑ 眼前利益
immediate interest/ short-term interest
☑ 长远利益
interest in the long run
☑ …有其自身的优缺点
… has its merits and demerits/ advantages and disadvantages
☑ 扬长避短
exploit to the full one’s favorable conditions and avoid unfavorable ones
☑ 取其精华,去其糟粕
take the essence and discard the dregs.
☑ 对…有害
do harm to / be harmful to/ be detrimental to
☑ 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息
exchange ideas/emotions/ information
☑ 采取有效措施来…
take effective measures to do sth.
☑ …的健康发展
the healthy development of …
☑ 更不要说
not to speak of/not to mention/let alone
☑ …有利有弊
every coin has two sides.
☑ 在…之前
prior to
☑ 经济/心理负担
financial burden /psychological burden
☑ 考虑到诸多因素
take many factors into account/ consideration
☑ 从另一个角度
from another perspective
☑ 做出共同努力
make joint efforts
☑ 对…有益
be beneficial /conducive to…
☑ 为社会做贡献
make contributions to the society
☑ 打下坚实的基础
lay a solid foundation for…
☑ 不可推卸的义务
unshakable duty
☑ 满足需求
satisfy/ meet the needs / requirements of…
☑ 宝贵的自然资源
valuable natural resources
☑ 科技的飞速更新
the accelerated updating of science and technology
☑ 有/提供如下理由/ 证据
have/ provide the following reasons/ evidence
☑ 在一定程度上
to some extent/degree / in some way
☑ 理论和实践相结合
integrate theory with practice / apply theory to practice
☑ 发挥着日益重要的作用
play an increasingly important / vital role in…
☑ 对…必不可少
be indispensable to …
☑ 正如谚语所说 / 如图所示
as the proverb goes: / as can be seen from the picture
☑ …也不例外
…be no exception
☑ 对…产生有利/不利的影响
exert positive/negative effects on…
☑ 利远远大于弊
the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.
☑ 导致,引起
lead to/ give rise to/ contribute to/ result in
☑ 复杂的社会现象
a complicated social phenomenon
☑ 责任感 / 成就感
sense of responsibility/ sense of achievement
☑ 竞争与合作精神
sense of competition and cooperation
☑ 开阔眼界
widen one’s horizon/ broaden one’s vision
☑ 做某事没有好处/意义
It’s no use doing sth.
☑ 没必要做某事
There's no point in doing sth.
☑ 对某事/某人有影响
have an influence on sth./sb.
☑ 避免做某事
escape doing sth.
☑ 控告某人做某事
accuse sb of sth.
☑ 值得做某事
be worth doing sth.
☑ 干涉
interfere in
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