1. 在中国,火锅已有2000多年的历史。
Hotpot has a history of more than 2000 years in China.
2. 茶有5000年的历史。
Tea has a history of 5,000 years.
3. 舞狮作为中国传统民间表演已有2000多年历史。
The lion dance is a traditional Chinese folk performance with a history of more than 2,000 years.
4. 剪纸是中国民间艺术的一种独特形式。已有2000多年历史。
Paper cutting is a unique form of Chinese traditional folk art with a history of more than 2,000 years.
5. 中医有五千多年的历史,是中国古代劳动人民几千年来对抗疾病的经验总结。
Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) has a long history of more than 5,000 years. It is a summary of the experience of working people who struggle against diseases over thousands of years.
1. 北京烤鸭源于600年前明代。
Beijing roast duck originated in the Ming dynasty 600 years ago.
2. 灯笼起源于东汉,最初主要用于照明。
Lanterns, which originated in the East Han Dynasty, was first used primarily for lighting.
3. 剪纸很可能源于汉代,继纸张发明之后。
Paper cutting probably originated in the Han Dynasty, following the invention of the paper.
4. 景泰蓝(cloisonne)是一种起源于元代北京的独特艺术。
Cloisonne is a unique art form that originated in Beijing during the Yuan Dynasty.
5.中国武术(martial art)的起源可以追溯到自卫的需要、狩猎活动以及古代中国的军事训练 (CET-4)。
The origin of Chinese martial art can be traced back to the needs of self-defense, hunting and ancient Chinese military training.
6.构成现在世界基础的许多元素都起源于中国 (CET-4)。
Many elements which constitute/comprise the foundation of the modern world originated in China.
三、 象征、寓意
1. 在中国的许多地方,饺子也是一道重要的佳肴,因为饺子象征着财富和好运。
In many parts of China, dumplings are also an important delicacy because they represents wealth and good luck.
2. 正由于这个象征性的意义,春节期间鱼也作为礼物送给亲戚朋友。
Because of this symbolic meaning, fish are also given as gifts to relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.
3. 昂贵、雅致的茶具成了地位的象征。
Expensive and elegant tea sets became a symbol of status.
4. 在中国传统文化中,红灯笼象征生活美满和生意兴隆,通常在春节、元宵节和国庆等节日期间悬挂。
In traditional Chinese culture, red lanterns symbolize a happy life and prosperous business, usually hung up in holidays and festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival and the National Day.
5. 狮子也是兽中之王,象征幸福和好运,所以人们通常在春节和其他节日期间表演狮子舞。
As the king of beasts, the lion is a symbol of happiness and good luck, so people usually perform the lion dances during the Spring Festival and other festivals and holidays.
6. 在中国传统文化中,梅花象征着坚强、纯洁、高雅,激励人们不畏艰难、砥砺前行。
In traditional Chinese culture, plum blossom, which symbolizes toughness, purity and grace, motivates a large body of individuals to move on regardless of the hardship.
1. 随着住房条件的改善,越来越多年轻夫妇选择与父母分开住。
With the improvement of housing conditions, an increasing number of young couples choose to live apart from their parents.
2. 由于改革开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参加国际交流项目,让其拓宽视野。
Due to the reform and opening up, a growing number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate the international exchange programs to broaden their horizons.
3. 在西方,中国十二生肖的十二种动物已经越来越为人们所熟悉。
In the west, the twelve creatures of the Chinese Zodiacs have become increasingly familiar to people.
1. 铁观音( Tieguanyin)是中国最受欢迎的茶之一。
Tieguanyin is one of the most popular types of tea in China.
2. 中国文明是世界上最古老的文明之一。
The Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations across the world.
3. 中国面临的最严峻的挑战之一就是人口老龄化。
Aging population is one of the most severe challenges in China.
4. 团圆饭是一年中最重要的晚餐,也是家庭团聚的最佳时机。
The reunion dinner is the most important dinner of the year and the best time for family reunion.
5. 茅台(Moutai)是中国最有名的白酒。
Moutai is the most famous liquor in China.
6. 在中国,京剧是中国的国瑰宝,是最具影响力和代表性的戏曲,有着200多年的历史。
Peking Opera, which is a national treasure with a history of over 200 years, is the most influential and representative opera in China.
Tieguanyin helps prevent heart diseases, lower blood pressure and enhance memory if consumed regularly.
2. 经常喝龙井茶有助于减轻疲劳,延缓衰老。
Drinking Longjing tea frequently contributes to alleviating fatigue and delaying the aging process.
3. 假日经济是在节假日期间的一种全民消费行为,十分有助于中国的经济增长。
Holiday Economy, a term to describe the nation-wide consumption during holidays, contributes significantly to Chinese economic growth.
1. 龙井茶独特的香味和口感为其赢得了“中国名茶”的称号,在中国深受大众的欢迎,在海外饮用的人也越来越多。
Winning the title of China's Famous Tea for the unique fragrance and flavour, Longjing enjoys great popularity at home and an increasing number of consumers abroad.
2. 适量饮用茅台可以帮助缓解疲劳,有镇静作用,因而广受国内外消费者的喜爱。
Moderate amounts of Moutai can help relieve fatigue and have a calming effect, so it is widely favored by domestic and foreign consumers.
3. 自此,茶在中国开始流行。
Since then, tea has become popular in China.
4. 火锅最早流行于最寒冷的地区,然后在很多地区盛行。
Hotpot first enjoyed popularity only in the coldest regions,and then prevailed greatly in many areas.
5. 从那时起,灯笼在中国的许多地方流行起来。
From then on, lanterns have become popular in various parts of China.
6. 荷花是中国的名花之一,深受人们喜爱。
The lotus flower, being one of the famous flowers in China, is well loved by people.
1. 自唐朝开始,这种地方酒通过海上丝绸之路运往海外。
Since the Tang Dynasty, this local spirit has been shipped overseas via the Maritime Silk Road.
2. 在唐代,人们用红灯笼来庆祝安定的生活。
In the Tang Dynasty, they were used to celebrate the peaceful life.
3. 秦朝是中国历史上第一个统一的、多民族的、中央集权的封建王朝。
The Qin Dynasty was the first unitary, multi-national and power-centralized feudal dynasty in Chinese history.
The Han Dynasty is one of the most significant dynasties in Chinese history.
1. 常饮普洱茶不仅有助于保护心脏和血管,还有减肥、消除疲劳和促进消化的功效。
Pu'er tea helps not only protect the heart and blood vessels but also lose weight, relieve fatigue and improve digestion if one drinks it regularly.
2. 今天,茶不仅是一种健康的饮品,而且是中国文化的一个组成部分。
Today, tea is an integral part of Chinese culture as well as a healthy drink.
3. 他们不仅非常情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花很多时间督促他们学习。
Not only are they willing to invest in children's education, but alsothey spend plenty of time urging them to learn.
4. 对于消费者来说,网络购物不仅方便,选择范围广,价格具有竞争性,而且更容易获取商品信息。
For consumers, online shopping offers not only convenience, broader selection and competitive pricing, but also easier access to goods information.
1. 父母非常重视给孩子取名,因为名字往往会伴随孩子的一生。
Parents attach great importance to naming their kid as names usually go with them for a whole life.
2. 中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。
Chinese families attach great importance to their children's education.
3. 中国政府非常重视环境保护方面的法律法规建设。
The Chinese government attaches great importance to the formulation of laws and regulations on environmental protection.
With full speed development of the information technology, Chinese citizens pay more and more attention to it.
5. 中国人特别重视个人荣誉。
The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.
1. 普洱茶泡(brew)的时间越长越有味道。
The longer it is brewed, the better it tastes.
2. 中国人有节省的传统,他们认为节省得愈多,就感到愈为安全。
Having a tradition of saving, the Chinese believe the more they save, the more secure they feel.
3. 碳排放的量越少,对环境的污染越小。
The lower the amount of carbon emissions is, the less the environmental pollution is .
1. 越来越多的国际游客一边品茶, 一边了解中国文化。
More and more international tourists learn about Chinese culture while sipping tea.
2. 人们可以一边尽情地聊天,一边享受美餐。
People could be free to chat with each other while enjoying a good meal.
3. 全家人聚在一起一边品尝美味的月饼,一边观赏象征丰裕、和谐和幸运的圆月。
Family members get together to enjoy the full moon-a symbol of abundance, harmony and luck while tasting delicious moon cakes.