


Spoken and Unspoken Rules of Lunchtime at the Office

1) You will usually only get 1/2 an hour.
2) Ask others if they want to share before you order a pizza.
3) Try buying a fun and colorful lunchbox, one that others will admire. I have a Star Wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all jealous!
4) If you eat at your desk, clean up the food very carefully. No one like bugs at their station.
5) If you are going out to pick up fast food, ask if you can get any for your friends.
1) 一般你只有半个小时。
2) 在订比萨饼之前,问问其他人是不是也想要。
3) 买一个有趣的颜色鲜艳的别人都喜欢的午餐饭盒。我有一个星球大战的饭盒,我的同事都羡慕极了!
4) 如果你在桌子上吃午饭,吃完后要打扫干净。没有人喜欢他们的工作座位有小虫子。
5) 如果你出去吃快餐,问问你的朋友,你能不能给他们带一点什么。

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