


It is of the utmost importance to answer the phone in a professional manner. Every time you answer the phone at work, you are representing the entire company. So make a good impression. Below are some tips on telephone English.
以一种职业化的态度和方式接听商务电话在职场上是非常重要的。 每次你在工作时间接听电话时,你的言行都代表你所在的整个公司。 因此要切记给客户留下好的印象。以下是一些有关接听英语商务电话 的建议。

Opening line:
Each company will have its own, unique opening line. Find out what it is and practice it until you remember it perfectly. Examples:
1) Hello, Mr. Big's office, how may I help you? (This is only Mr. Big's secretary)
2) Hello, IBM, Alice speaking, how may I direct your call? (Alice is the secretary for many people)
3) Hello, IBM, sale's department, how can I help you? (This lets the caller know your department)
4) Hello, IBM, what can I do for you? (General answer)
每个公司都有自己的独特的公开电话线。找到公司的公开电话号码, 进行练习如何职业礼貌地接听商务电话,直到你已经熟练自如。 举例:
1) 你好,这里是比格先生的办公室,我能为你做什么吗?(接听电话的人是比格先生的秘书)
2) 你好,这里是IBM公司,我是爱丽斯,您需要我帮你转电话吗? (爱丽斯是公司秘书)
3) 你好,这里是IBM公司的销售部,我能为你做什么吗?(这样说就会让打进电话的人直到你所在的部门)
4) 你好,这里是IBM公司,我能为你做什么吗? (一般性的回答)

The complete business call:
a) Hello, IMB, Alice speaking, how may I direct your call?
b) Hello, is your boss in?
a) Please hold, while I check.....sorry, sir, he is out. May I take a message?
b) Please tell your boss that John Smith called. Have him call me back ASAP!
a) I'll take care of that right away. Is there anything else?
b) No that's all.
a) Goodbye and have a nice day.
b) You too, bye, bye.
a) 你好,这里是IBM公司,我是爱丽斯,您需要我帮你转电话吗?
b) 你好,请问你的上司在吗?
a) 请别挂机,我看一下……对不起,先生,他现在不在办公室。你想给他留言吗?
b) 让告诉你的上司说约翰.史密斯刚才打电话找他,让他一回来就尽快给我回电话好吗?
a) 我会立刻处理这件事的。还有什么需要我帮忙吗?
b) 没有了。
a) 谢谢你,祝你度过愉快的一天。
b) 也祝你度过愉快的一天,再见。

If you have to ask someone his or her name, you MUST do it in a polite way. Example:
a) May I ask who is calling? (The most polite way)
b) May I have your name, sir? (Also good)
c) Excuse me, Mam, can you tell me your name please?
如果你需要知道某人的姓名,你可以用一种礼貌的方式来询问对方。 举例:
a) 我能知道是谁打来电话吗?(最礼貌的询问打进电话的人
b) 先生,我可以知道你的名字吗? (也不错的询问方式)
c) 对不起,夫人,你能告诉我你的姓名吗?

The complete business call:
a) IBM, Martha speaking, how can I help you?
b) Maybe, I am looking to buy a new computer.
a) You will need to talk with the salesman, but he is out right now.
b) Please have him get back to me ASAP.
a) May I ask who is calling?
b) My name is Dan Blurns.
a) Anything else, Mr. Blurns?
b) Why yes. Where is your office located?
a) We are on the corner of Slade Rd. and Smith Ave. Our office hours are 9-5 Monday through Friday. Visit any time.
b) I'll do that, thanks a bunch.
a) Bye, bye.
a) 这里是IBM公司,我是玛莎,我能为你做什么吗?
b) 也许,我想买一台新电脑。
a) 你得跟销售人员谈,但是他现在不在办公室。
b) 请他一回来就给我回电话。
a) 请问能知道你的姓名吗?
b) 我的名字是丹·布勒斯。
a) 还有什么别的事吗,布勒斯先生?
b) 当然,我能知道你的公司的地点吗?
a) 我们公司位于刀刃街和史密斯大道的交接处。公司办公时间是每周星期一到星期五之间的早9点到下午5点。你可以在这期间的任何时候访问公司。
b) 好的,我会的,多谢你。
a) 再见。


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