个人陈述:the importance of the investigation inmaking decision
讨论问题:the young to survey(?), the question to thesurvey, the way to conduct survey
Sample answers
1. The importanceof the investigation in making decision
Let me takemyself as an example. Two years ago, after the GaoKao, I had to make a decisionabout which university to attend, so I made an investigation about the rankingof the two universities. And now here I am, this university provides me asupportive climate and a culture of belonging where I am respected and affirmed(给你支持,让你有认同感,受尊重感,被肯定感).In addition to our academic programs, the school includes an alliance ofnationally prominent centers, institutes, and affiliated research and outreachunits working to fulfill our mission (专业项目之外,还有各种途径来辅助工作).
2. the question to the survey, the way toconduct survey
Last week, me and my team members wantto know the English learning effect on students, and the way to do this issimple, just search it online, and then everything is at the touch of yourfingertips. You can fix any academic questions you bump into with the helpGoogle or Baidu or Wikipedia.
个人陈述:how to keepfit
讨论问题:contestantsto participate, time and place for the contest, judges and awards.
Sample answers
1. howto keep fit
I would like to choose swimming, and here come my reasons: it not only helps keepin good shape; but allows me lose weight to avoid obesity; last, it makes mebuild up a strong body to be athletic.
2. contestants to participate, time and place for the contest, judges and awards.
Contestants: anyone who wants to have agood body.
Time and place: weekend and the somepublic gardens.
Judges and awards: PE teachers; sportsequipment like badminton rackets(羽毛球拍).
个人陈述:variousservices on available campus
to set up the office andwhy.
to look after the office.
to rise money for theservice.
Sample answers
1. various services on available campus
Online supermarket; gym; library; clinic
Online supermarket allows me to do shopping online (People don't have to wastetheir energy and time from one shop to another to choose the commodities they want.The goods are supposed to come in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet.All people need to do is to sit in front of their computers and click thebuttons. The commodities they order will be delivered to them promptly.);
2. where to set up the office and why.
who to look after the office.
how to raise money for the service.
where:theoffice should not far from the dorm rooms, because conflicts occur almost everynow and then, common sources of roommate conflict include differences in lifestyle, culture, habits, preferences, values, and activities.(室友之间的斗争,包括在生活方式、文化、习惯、喜好、价值观、参与活动方面的不同)。
Who:Psychological expert
How: Studentscan donate the money.
个人陈述:howto develop the ability of public speaking
to invite and why
and where to give the talk
to publicize the event
Sample answers
1. howto develop the ability of public speaking
One good way to improve the public speaking skill is to find a friend to give you some suggestions. Like, you can rehearsein front him or her, let him or her speaks out the feeling after hearing your lecture.
2. who to invite and why
when and where to give the talk
how to publicize the event
Who:all the students of the college and encourage them to volunteer for localclean-up activities. Ask about beach clean-ups, tree plantings and otherevents. Encourage friends and neighbors to get involved. (鼓励志愿参加当地的清洁活动。询问关于海滩清理,植树和其他活动。鼓励朋友和邻居参与进来。)
whenand where:weekend,a lecture hall.
How: socialmedia like wechat or weibo.
个人陈述:howto best spend your youth years
讨论问题:anactivity to be organized for celebration time and place for the activity; participants in the activity(回忆版本有限,望见谅)
Sample answers
1. howto best spend your youth years
One good way to spend youth time is to study hard, because nowadays the onlyway to get a high-paying job is by having a degree and good academic achievements since most employers believe that those with university degrees andgood grades make the best employees because of their general and particular learned skills. In a constantly changing world people need a solid education tobe able to face the growing professional demands.
2. anactivity to be organized for celebration
time and place for the activity;
participants in the activity
when and where:weekend,a bar.
Who:all family members and close friends.
个人陈述:helping each other
讨论问题:activities to carry out
Sample answer
helping eachother
Common sources of roommate conflict include differences in lifestyle, culture, habits, preferences, values, and activities. It is wise to do small favours, clearing up misunderstandings, and treating them with respect,you will create an environment where it is easy for your roommate to do the same.
个人陈述:howdoes technology change people’s lives互联网如何改变人的生活
Sample answer
how does technology change people’s lives
to do research (Everything is at the touch of your fingertips. You can fix any academic questions you bump into with the help Google or Baidu or wikepedia.);
to telecommute (to perform everyday tasks such as banking or business transactions without meeting others face to face.);
toget latest news ( to accelerate the flow of information and spread info to allcorners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest news almost whenever or wherever we like.) .
个人陈述:the importance of protecting birds
讨论问题:how to protect birds; how to let people know the importance of protecting the birds; how to raise money to protect birds
Sample answer
1. the importance of protecting birds
When it comes to the benefits of birds, the function of birds to control pests and mice comes first.
Birds also bring us aesthetic and entertainment benefits.
Protecting birds is good for the protection of species because birds are a part of the food chain and the environment around it. The extinction of some animals may have a domino effect.
2. how to protect birds;
Write to public officials about birds protection, or addressing them in person, will make wild life issues more important in the society.
how to let people know the importance of protecting the birds;
Using social media is a good way to solve this problem. You can find that news can be broadcasted through major social media. What I mentioned above is that, social media allow more people from different age groups to get news at the same time.
how to raise money to protect birds
deliver a speech; encourage people to volunteer for local activities to raise money by selling something.