What you WEAR to an interview is the second most important factor in making a good first impression. First you should KNOW the company. While you are researching the company, visit the office and take a look at how the staff is dressed. SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES what the employees are wearing. Then for the interview, try to dress in a similar way. If they are all dressed in a suit and tie, then you should dress in a suit and tie. Take care to note if the ties are solid colors or a mix of colors. If the women employees wear long skirts, then women should wear a long skirt. If employees wore a casual shirt with no tie, you should wear a casual shirt with no tie. If the women all wear pants, you should wear pants. If you see some people dressing casually and others dressing formally, IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO DRESS A LITTLE BIT MORE FORMALLY.
面试的时候所穿服装是给对方下良好印象的第二个重要因素。首先你应该了解你所应聘的公司。在对所应聘的公司进行研究时,先拜访公司并观察那里的工作人员的着装,亲眼观察你所应聘的公司职员的着装,然后准备去面试,尽量穿同类的服装。如果你所应聘的公司职员穿西服系领带,那么你也应该穿西服打领带去面试。留心领带的颜色是单色还是混合色。如果公司的女性职员身穿长裙,女性应聘者也应穿长裙去面试。如果公司的女性职员穿短裙不系领带,那么女性应聘者也应穿短裙不系领带,而应穿休闲衬衫并不系领带。如果公司的女性职员 都穿长裤,那么你也应穿长裤。如果看到公司职员有些穿着休闲,有些则穿着正式,那么,穿正式一些的服装总是比穿休闲服装要好一些。
Being able to FIT IN (to belong and get along with the other employees) is very important. The interviewer will use this first impression to decide if you can work well with the other employees.
Another important impression, is one that the employer gets from reading letters of recommendation from your references. Your reference include helpful teachers or old bosses who liked the way you worked. Your teacher or boss will write a letter describing your good qualities.