这期节目谈论的话题是为何达到职业巅峰的女性所占的比例比男性少很多。对这一现象的讨论并不少见,比较普遍的解读如女性需要承担更多的家庭责任,又或者归因于历史、文化特质。以中国为例,在漫长的封建社会中,中国作为农业国家的属性,必然导致女性有先天的弱势,促进了中国传统文化中对于女性辅助地位的定位。然而知识经济时代已然来临,一起聆听Facebook 首席运营官 Sheryl Sandberg 在这篇演讲中又作出了什么样的新解读吧!
“For most people, work sucks, but it doesn’t have to.”“大多数人觉得上班糟透了,其实工作本不必如此。”...
“For most people, work sucks, but it doesn’t have to.”“大多数人觉得上班糟透了,其实工作本不必如此。”...
Corporate executives, undoubtedly, play a crucial part in a company’s management and operation. Some people argue that the only responsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay wit...
Yahoo on Monday announced that it has appointed Marissa Mayer, a former Google executive, to be its president and chief executive officer.Mayer will also join Yahoo's board of directo...
Ina Drew, the chief investment officer at JPMorgan Chase and one of the top women on Wall Street, resigned today in the wake of the firm’s $2.3 billion in-house trading loss.JPMorgan...