时间: 11月13日(星期二) 14:30 - 18:00
主讲老师: Eileen老师
公开课地点: CCtalk留学大厅
姓名:Eileen 语言:英语 主要课程:《雅思6.5分写作》,公开课:《Eileen老师托福下午茶》、《小艾老师带你光影巡游》系列 现居:上海 点击关注老师的沪江部落>> |
Part1.TOEFL Speaking Independent Tasks
How many cookies could a good cook cook If a good cook could cook cookies? A good cook could cook as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
Question 1:
Describe an interesting book that you have ever read and explain why it is interesting.
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
Useful Expressions
· As for me, the most interesting book I’ve ever read is…
· Talking about the most interesting book, the first name coming to my mind is…
· Actually, I love the novel named Harry Potter written by J. K. Rowling because…
· It never fails to make me laugh (because…)
· Every time I read the book, I …
· I can see ______ from the main character ______ (who…)
Question 2:
Some parents restrict TV programs that are watched by their kids. Others let their kids watch whatever TV programs that would like to. Which parental practice do you think is better for kids and why?
Preparation Time: 15 Seconds
Response Time: 45 Seconds
Useful Expressions
· In my opinion, …
· I believe …
· As far as I’m concerned, ……
· To begin with > Moreover/Meanwhile/Also/In addition…
· For one thing > For another
Part2.TOEFL Writing 独立写作
Question Format:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
[A sentence or sentences that present an issue appear here.]
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Essay Length: > 300 words
Time Limit: 30 minutes (including planning time)
Essay Question
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
University education is the most important factor of success in life.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. (2008.6.29)
Preparation Steps
a. Finding Key Words
university education/most important/success
b. Brainstorming
Questions: “5W 1H”: What, When, Who, Where, Why, How
·What do we need to succeed?
Internal Factors:Learning Ability/Creativity/Critical Thinking/Self-control/Interpersonal Skills…
External Factors Sources of Knowledge/Practice/Social Contacts/Opportunities…
·What can universities offer?
Knowledge/Critical Thinking/Analytical Skills/Degrees & Certificates …
·What we cannot learn from universities?
Experiences/Social Contacts/Opportunities …
c. Mapping
·Central idea:
University education is NOT the most important factor for success.
A TOEFL Essay Introduction Includes:
·3 to 5 sentences
·an introduction to the topic
- Generally state the topic
- Develop the topic (usu. with a contrast)
·a strong thesis statement
- Answer the question directly
- State your opinion clearly
How to Agree & Disagree?
·I agree/disagree/don’t agree that …, because …
... with the statement, because ...
·I believe/do not believe that …
·To my mind / In my opinion, …
·Although / Many people agree with the statement that …, I strongly disagree.
Make a Strong Thesis Statement
·e.g. University education is always the most important factor for success.
... should never be seen as the most …
always / never / not … ever …
·e.g. Without exception, university education is the most important factor for success.
regardless of / under no circumstances / at no time …
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