Let’s turn our focus now to advertising. We all know what an advertisement is: It’s essentially a message that announces something for sale. Now there’s an important precondition that must exist before you have advertising, and that’s a large supply of consumer goods, that is, things to sell. You see in a place where the demand for a product is greater than the supply, there is no need to advertising. Now the earliest forms of advertising going back many hundreds of years with a simple sign over shop doors that told you whether the shop was a bakery, a butcher shop or what have you. Then with the advent of printing, advertising increased substantially. As for product like coffee, tea and chocolate appeared in newspapers and other periodicals, as well as on the sides of building. In the American colonies, advertising and communication media like newspapers and pamphlets became a major factor in marketing goods and services. By modern standards, these early advertisements were quite small and subdued, not as splashy, whole page spread of today. Still some of them appeared on the front pages of newspapers probably because the news often consisted of less refresh reports from distant Europe while the news were current and local. Advertising really came and do it so and became an essential part of doing business during the industrial revolution. Suddenly; there was a much greater supply of things to sell. And as we said earlier, that is the driving force behind advertising. People’s attention had to be drawn to the new product. Let’s take a look at some of the advertisements from that time.