例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, salaries, and benefits have glossed over these concerns. The growth in labor costs continued to slow in the second quarter – a pattern that held true in all major regions. However, the slowdown in labor costs is due to solely to sharp cutbacks in what companies, mainly large corporations, are paying for benefits, which make up about a fourth of total compensation costs nationally. Because of slower growth in costs of health care, workers‘ compensation, and state unemployment insurance, benefits grew only 2.6% during the past year, the lowest pace in record.
在这一段落中,作者用了五个cost。虽然每一句中的cost未必是前一句中同一词的简单重复,但都与labor cost 相吻合,使整个段落所表达的内容连贯地表述出来。第一句和第二句提出劳工费用问题,第三句提出原因,最后一句阐述了劳工费用增加所生产的后果,意思层层加深,彼此相衔接。
2. 替代
例:But since few have marked down their own prices in line with the metal’s fall, they will be able to recoup much of the differences. Not so the producers, whose income is directly related to the fluctuating daily price on the London Metal Exchange.
这里so代替了to recoup much of the difference.
3. 省略
例:The Japanese have their electronics, the Germans their engineering. But when it comes to command of global markets, the U.S. owns the service sector.
第一句the Germans后面省略了have一词。
例:Meanwhile, pressure has been growing from the car companies. GM ships about 60% of its cars and trucks with Ryder, while Chrysler ships some 40%.
最后一句结尾some 40% 后面省略了of its cars and trucks.
4. 连接词
介词和副词常在句子和段落间起衔接作用,把句子和段落间的意思连贯地表述出来。西方经贸报刊中用于承上启下的连接词可表示对比,如:but, however, whereas等;表示原因,如:since, because, due to等;表示结果,如:with;表示目的,如:so that, in order to等;表示时间发展的先后顺序,如:first, second, next, then等,以及表示情况的内在联系,如:and, as well as, in the case等。
例:Still, August‘s strong output gains don’t look sustainable.
First of all, current modest demand growth will not support any more increase that large. Second, now that manufacturers have worked to get their inventories lower, they will be cautious about adding goods in coming months.
在学习商务英语的过程中,很多小伙伴总是想寻求捷径。其实学习英语是没有捷径的,但是学习的方法有很多。下面是沪江小编给大家分享的商务英语翻译的知识点,大家可以作为学习的参考。 一、翻译者的汉语功底要好 很多人往往忽视了这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,凭着自己原来的底子应付翻译中的问题,就足够了。但是在实际的翻译过程中,对于一个单词或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得...
从小到大我们经历过的英语考试中,阅读题型都是非常重要的 ,在BEC考试中也是如此,它的篇幅很大,所占分值也比较高。那么对于这部分题型,大家知道里面蕴含了什么知识点吗?下面就给大家来分析分析,想了解的快跟上来吧。 1.上下文句子间内容的内在联系: 例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, salari...
英语阅读题大家已经做过不少了,从小到大的英语考试中,阅读都会占有很大的篇幅,同时也会自己总结一些经验。对于BEC商务英语考试,这里面的阅读题不知道大家应对得如何了。下面就是一些关于BEC阅读题的知识点,希望大家能够注意。 1.上下文句子间内容的内在联系: 例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, s...