




Recovering childhood  — "Why do we want to recover childhood? Because society it too utilitarian, children have too much pressure, and childhood ends too early. Society needs innocence and required a return to childhood."



The birth of Grimm's Fairy Tales — "The brothers Grimm felt that there was a connection between folk tales and human history, but after collecting many of them without finding that connection, they gave up. Later on, a friend chanced across the things they had compiled, and arranged with a publisher to have it published, becoming what we know as Grimm's Fairy Tales."



Points and Life — "A point can form a line, can form a plane, can form a body. Life is like a few unregulated points which can be connected into countless lines, which can then form different planes, which can then form different geometric objects."



Success and the environment — (1) A tropical fish placed in a fishbowl will only grow three inches long; placed in a pond, it can grow quite large.


(2) Wolves are so strong and powerful because they live in an outdoor environment.


(3) A psychologist picked ten people and told them they had extraordinary talent. They then went on to find success. Later, the psychologist admitted that they were just ordinary people.


《幸福是____》(幸福是一个永恒的话题,它真实地填充着我们的生活。材料1 2009年11月19日中国青年报做的关于“幸福和屋子的关系”的在线调查显示,八成中国被调查者以为“幸福和屋子有关系”,不过对此结果,日本网友的意见大相径庭,约九成以上日本网友以为幸福和屋子没有关系。材料2 一位哲学家不小心掉进了水里,被救上岸后,他说出的第一句话是:呼吸是一件多么幸福的事,活着就是幸福,但为什么还有那么多的人为了“所谓的幸福”葬送了自己。材料3 有人认为:人生的幸福最浅层的是欲望、物质带来的,欲望和物质的人生是永不能满足的。材料4 有人认为:每个人在追求幸福,但你不能为了追求自己的幸福而坑害了别人,甚至坑害了国家)。

Happiness is ____ — (1) A poll on November 19, 2009 showed that 80% of Chinese respondents felt that happiness was connected to a house; more than 90% of Japanese respondents felt there was no connection. (2) A philosopher fell into the water, and after he was hauled ashore, the first thing he said was "Breathing is such a happy thing. Live is happiness. But why do so many people ruin themselves for "so-called happiness"? (3) "At its most superficial, happiness comes from desire and material objects, but these can never be satisfied in life." (4) "Everyone pursues happiness, but in the pursuit of your own happiness, you must not harm others, or harm the country."


作文素材:吴兴杂诗 (清,阮元)“交流四水抱城斜,散作千溪遍万家。深处种菱浅种稻,不深不浅种荷花”

Philosophical association — Take inspiration from the philosophy expressed by Ruan Yuan's "Poem on Wuxing" .


湖南作文题一个字“早”,表面上很简单,被翻译为 Morning (早),但实际上却可能有多种含义。要是把“早”的意思说全了,还有early(早),young(早熟), premature(早产),previously(早先),as early as(及早),luckily(早该),for a long time(早已)等等。湖南的考生到底是怎样理解这个“早”字的呢?


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