1. George started his new job with King Brothers only a month ago and he wants to invite his boss, the sales manager to dinner.
2. I got some bad news today. The store with which I work is laying off stuff. I'm worried that they are going to let me go.
3. You are not supposed to see Gary tonight. He plans to finish his financial report this week and he is too busy for parties these days.
4. I hope our first supply will induce your customers to place regular orders in the future. And we both can make big profits.
5. These books are two weeks overdue. But luckily for me, there's a moratorium this week on fines. They are trying to encourage returns.
6. May is a time for green grass, picnics, and unfortunately, examinations. In the United States, high school students take their final examinations at the end of every school year.
7. China is now the third largest producer of films in the world. However, most of the revenue came from a handful of the movies produced.
8. Let me explain why I questioned the feasibility of the project. We don't appear to have enough time. If we were to push our people, the quality of the product becomes questionable.
9. While some species of whales are nearing extinction, many countries refuse to accept even a partial ban on whale hunting.
10. In 1950, New York City was the only city with a population of ten million. Now, in 2010, worldwide we have 38 cities with populations of over ten million people.
statements总体难度不高,但是对于lay off,induce,overdue,moratorium,revenue,feasibility等词还是需要同学们平时的多多积累。另外,做题过 程中还要注意对数字的敏感度,如statement 10就出现了包括年份、人口数量、城市数量在内的多个数字,千万不要一定到数字就犯晕。其实做statement还有一个要点是听出一些包含转折、递进、 让步等含义的信号词,本次的statement中出现了不少but,however,while,利用这些关键词准确把握句意是做题的关键。
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