

IV. Balancing Steady Economic Growth and Structural Improvement

协调 balance
优化 Improvement

Steady growth and structural adjustment complement each other. We must work hard to ensure that the economy performs within an appropriate range while promoting economic transformation and upgrading, and maintaining sustainable economic growth.

相辅相成 complement each other
合理区间 an appropriate range
转型升级 transformation and upgrading

We will move faster to foster growth areas of consumption.We will encourage private consumption and curb spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality.

加快 move faster to
消费增长点 growth areas of consumption
大众消费 private consumption
三公 消费 spending on official overseas visits, official vehicles, and official hospitality

大众传播媒介 mass communication's media
大众科学 popular science
大众需要 the demand of the public
大众创业、万众创新 encourage people to start their own businesses and to make innovations

We will promote consumption in elderly care, domestic services, and health services, help strengthen spending on information goods and services, raise consumer spending on leisure and tourism, give impetus to green consumption, keep housing consumption stable, and encourage people to spend more on education, culture, and sports.

首句四个动词“促进、壮大、提升、推动”,其实含义非常接近。一些不太讲究的口译场合,甚至都可以用 promote 一而概之。笔译当然不能这样,要灵活多样:strengthen / give impetus to / raise

家政 domestic services
信息消费 spending on information goods and services

We will press ahead with the nationwide project to deliver telecoms, radio, television, and Internet service over a single broadband connection, accelerate the development of fiber-optic networks, significantly increase broadband speeds, develop logistics and express delivery services, and ensure that new forms of Internet-based spending, which combine online-offline activities, come to thrive.

老朋友 ensure 又出现,真是无处不在,似乎各种总结句、祈愿句都能套这个句型。

光纤网络 fiber-optic networks
宽带网络 broadband speed
搞得红红火火 come to thrive

We will strengthen monitoring, tracking, and recall systems to ensure the safety and quality of consumer goods, severely punish the production and sale of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers.

“行为” 这类词,往往可以不译,否则会非常繁琐。

严肃查处 severely punish
消费品 consumer goods
假冒伪劣产品 counterfeit and shoddy goods

I'm normally quick to complain about shoddy service.
These products are shoddily produced.

In expanding consumption, we need to ensure every drop of spending builds to create a mighty river, so that the potential contained in an ocean of private consumers will be channeled into a powerful force driving economic growth.

···要···,这种句型,经常译为 In···, we need / it is

拉动经济增长的强劲动力,也是一个偏正短语,这里用的还是 ing 结构。

We will increase effective investment in public goods.We will ensure that the projects set out in the 12th Five-Year Plan are completed. We will launch a number of major new projects, including:

公共产品 public goods


“十二五”规划 the 12th Five-Year Plan

■ projects for rebuilding rundown urban areas and renovating dilapidated housing, urban underground pipe network projects, and other projects to improve living standards;

改造 rebuild (看着简单实际不一定好翻译的词,类似“装修”)
棚户区 rundown urban
民生项目 projects to improve living standards
地下管网 underground pipe network

Dilapidate /dɪˈlæpɪˌdeɪt/ 荒废、破损、倾坍
The building had been dilapidated by neglect.
His sons have dilapidated the estate.

■ major railway, highway, and inland waterway transport projects in the central and western regions; ■ agricultural projects on water conservancy and developing high-quality farmland; ■ projects that involve major information, electricity, oil, and natural gas networks;

高标准农田 high-quality farmland
电力 electricity

■ clean energy projects, and oil, natural gas, and mineral resource supply projects; ■ projects for upgrading traditional industries; and

■ energy-saving, environmental protection, and ecological conservation projects.

节能 energy-saving
生态建设项目 ecological conservation projects

今年中央预算内投资增加到 4776 亿元,但政府不唱“独角戏”,要更大激发民间投资活力,引导社会资本投向更多领域。
This year, the central government will increase its budgetary investment to 477.6 billion yuan. However, the government does not intend to perform an investment soliloquy; we need to do more to stimulate private investment and channel the investment of nongovernmental capital into more areas.

Soliloquy /səˈlɪləkwɪ/
A soliloquy is a speech in a play in which an actor or actress speaks to himself or herself and to the audience, rather than to another actor. (戏剧)独白

独角戏的另一种说法:put on a one-man show(更好记);
go it alone;

预算内投资 budgetary investment
社会资本 nongovernmental capital

铁路投资要保持在8000 亿元以上,新投产里程 8000 公里以上,在全国基本实现高速公路电子不停车收费联网,使交通真正成为发展的先行官。
We will invest over 800 billion yuan in railway construction and open over 8,000 kilometers of railways to traffic. We will work to ensure that drive-through electronic toll collection systems are connected up on expressways throughout the country, and work toward making transportation truly lead the way in promoting development.

“投产”这里感觉不是特别准,因为投产距离open to public 还有段时间。
发展的先行官 lead the way in promoting development
收费系统 ; 车辆缴费系统 ; 收费制式 ; 收费制度 Toll Collection System

重大水利工程已开工的 57 个项目要加快建设,今年再开工 27 个项目,在建重大水利工程投资规模超过 8000 亿元。
Construction on the 57 ongoing major water conservancy projects needs to be accelerated; construction will be started on an additional 27 such projects this year, and investment in the major water conservancy projects under construction will exceed 800 billion yuan.

已开工的 ongoing / under construction

Investment to be made in the above sectors, such as railways, water conservancy, and projects to rebuild rundown urban areas, will be weighted toward the central and western regions, helping stimulate enormous domestic demand.


棚改 rebuild rundown urban areas
倾斜 weight toward

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