落实和完善 implement and improve
普惠性政策 preferential policies
增加······投入 increase spending on
企业研发费用加计扣除: extra tax deductions for research
a shock force composed mainly of young people
Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay
The qualification of all kinds of market entities
Sources of investment must be diversified. The controlling shares in lifeline enterprises must be held by the state.
科技项目 science and technology projects
科研平台 research platforms
产学研协同创新 collaborative innovation by bringing together enterprises, academia, and research institutes
“推进企业主导的产学研协同创新”,这里的偏正结构用 with 建了分支
众创空间 the right environment for creativity (这里中文很模糊)
增设 establish more ···
国家自主创新示范区 national innovation demonstration zones
办好 ensure the smooth functioning of ···
集聚创新要素 boost innovation (这里有简化,并不严格对应)
中小微企业 Medium, small, and micro businesses
大有可为 accomplish great things
助人一臂之力 To give a leg up
“草根”创新 grassroots innovation
提高创新效率 make innovation deliver,这里应该也不是严格对等。
中央财政科技计划管理 the management of science and technology plans funded by the central government
基础研究 basic research
国家科技重大项目 major national science and technology projects
重大科研基础设施 major science and research infrastructure facilities
大型科研仪器 large-scale or costly research equipment
亿万人民 the Chinese people
聪明才智 talent and ingenuity
迎来······浪潮 welcome in a new high tide of
万众创新 popular innovation
Give free rein to 类似 give a full play to,前者是放松、放开,后者是充分发挥。
It was the type of writing which he enjoyed, because it permitted him to give free rein to his imagination.
BEC商务英语考试大家准备得如何了呢?如果你第一次参加这项考试,就要比其他人多做一些努力。如果你参加的是口语考试,就要在平时多多练习对话,还要根据考试大纲的要求有针对性的进行复习。下面就是BEC商务英语初级口试中关于工作报告的对话练习。 1.Briefing on Finance 财务简报 A: What is the meeting for?...
(三)深挖国内需求潜力,开拓发展更大空间。适度扩大需求总量,积极调整改革需求结构,促进供给需求有效对接、投资消费有机结合、城乡区域协调发展,形成对经济发展稳定而持久的内需支撑。3. Tap the potential of domestic d...
努力改善产品和服务供给。突出抓好三个方面。We will concentrate our efforts on the following three areas:...
修改和废止有碍发展的行政法规和规范性文件。创新事中事后监管方式,全面推行“双随机、一公开”监管,随机抽取检查对象,随机选派执法检查人员,及时公布查处结果。推进综合行政执法改革,实施企业信用信息统一归集、依法公示、联合惩戒、社会监督。We wil...