

We will exercise power in accordance with the law, encourage thrift and oppose extravagance, and, work painstakingly to improve Party conduct, promote integrity, and fight corruption.

依法 in accordance with the law
用权 exercise power
勤俭,俭省 thrift
奢侈 extravagance
党风 Party conduct
深入推进 work painstakingly to

We will work conscientiously to implement the CPC Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct; work tirelessly to oppose formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance; and continue to strictly enforce the State Council’s three-point decision on curbing government spending.

八项规定 the CPC Central Committee’s eight-point decision on improving Party and government conduct


九二共识 1992 consensus
四项基本原则 the four cardinal principles
三个代表 three Represents
四风 formalism, bureaucratism, hedonism, and extravagance

认真 conscientiously / earnestly/ seriously (根据语境灵活选择)

国务院“约法三章” the State Council’s three-point decision on curbing government spending

这里顺便提下 council 这个词,这里是国务院的院,有时候一些理事会也经常用这个词。到国外,这个词用得也很普遍,因为各国官职体系不一样,很难说具体翻译出来到底是怎样才更准确。这里顺便求助大家,如果有这方面的资料,欢迎共享。虽然不是良辰,但是也可以轻谢。

As rent-seeking is a feature common to all types of corruption, we will shed powers to make government cleaner, truss up the institutional fencing, and resolutely eliminate any room for rent-seeking, thus eradicating the breeding grounds of corruption.

Truss /trʌs/ 捆紧
She trussed him quickly with stolen bandage, and gagged his mouth.

寻租 rent-seeking
制度围栏 institutional fencing
土壤 the breeding grounds of


We will intensify government supervision, make full use of auditing oversight, and strictly monitor public funds, public resources, and state-owned assets. Our tough stance on corruption is here to stay; our tolerance for corruption is zero, and anyone guilty of corruption will be dealt with seriously.

行政监察 government supervision
审计监督 auditing oversight
腐败分子 anyone guilty of corruption

We will see to it that every instance of corruption, should it be committed higher up or lower down, is severely punished.

无论:不一定都要用 whatever 或者 no matter what, 这里的should be 倒装句也可以借鉴。

We will take an active approach to our work, focus on implementation, and work with diligence for the people. China’s economic development has entered a new normal, meaning we must adopt a new attitude.

勤政为民 work with diligence for the people
狠抓落实 focus on implementation (简单化,具体化)
精神面貌要有新状态 adopt a new attitude (也是一种解释)

All public servants, especially officials, should always treat it as their greatest responsibility to promote development that benefits the people, carry the task of modernization on their shoulders, and keep the well-being of the people at the forefront of their minds.

公务员 public servants
放在心头 keep ······ at the forefront of their minds

Governments at all levels must fully perform their functions and responsibilities, ensure thorough implementation, and be creative in their work.

履行职责 perform their functions and responsibilities
创造性开展工作 be creative in their work

We will work to improve the mechanisms for assessing performance, and commend those who perform well, admonish those who do not, and expose and hold to account those who are indolent, sloppy, or neglectful of their duties.

政绩考核评价 assessing performance
褒奖 commend
诫勉 admonish

Indolent ['indələnt] 懒惰的,怠惰的;懒散的;好逸恶劳的

Hold to account 使承担责任
Intelligence agencies have to be secretive, but their secrecy makes them harder to hold to account.
"Only a proper public inquiry can establish the facts, hold to account those responsible and ensure that this can never happen again, " he said.

Admonish /ədˈmɒnɪʃ/ If you admonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong. 告诫 [正式]
They admonished me for taking risks with my health.

Sloppy ['slɔpi] 潮湿的,湿污的,马虎的;凌乱的

Fellow Deputies,

China is a unified country of many ethnic groups. Working to enhance and develop socialist ethnic relations featuring equality, unity, mutual assistance, and harmony is the joint responsibility and in the fundamental interests of everyone.

民族 ethnic groups
这里的 feature 可以特别注意下,这是一个接近万能的词,很多语境里都可以用它。

in the fundamental interests of

We will uphold and improve the system of regional ethnic autonomy, increase support for underdeveloped areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities, and aid the growth of ethnic minorities with smaller populations. We will work to boost development in border regions and improve living standards there. We will see to it that the fine traditional Culture of our ethnic minorities and distinctively ethnic villages and towns are preserved and developed, and promote interaction, communication, and integration between ethnic groups.

坚持和完善 uphold and improve
民族区域自治制度 regional ethnic autonomy
特色村镇 distinctively ethnic villages

We will work to successfully mark the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region and the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. With people of all our ethnic groups living together as one, sharing in a common cause, and developing together in harmony, the big family of the Chinese nation will enjoy greater prosperity, peace, and happiness.

西藏自治区 the Tibet Autonomous Region
新疆维吾尔自治区 the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
繁荣昌盛、幸福安康 prosperity, peace, and happiness

We will fully implement the Party’s basic policy on religion, promote harmonious relations between religions, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the religious community, and ensure that religious leaders and believers play a positive role in promoting economic and social development.

宗教界 the religious community
合法权益 the legitimate rights and interests
Legitimate本来主要指子女是合法婚生的,但扩大意义,泛指“拥有一切有关权利的”,所以后面的搭配经常是 rights

We need to ensure that overseas Chinese nationals, overseas Chinese nationals who have returned to China, and the relatives of overseas Chinese nationals who themselves live in China can all perform better the unique role they have to play in modernizing China, advancing its peaceful reunification, and promoting exchange and cooperation between China and other countries. We need to strengthen the bonds of attachment and affection of all Chinese, whether at home or overseas, to our motherland.

向心力不断增强 strengthen the bonds of attachment and affection of

Fellow Deputies,

Building a solid national defense and strong armed forces is fundamental to safeguarding China’s sovereignty, security, and developmental interests.

是······的根本保障 is fundamental to
发展利益:developmental interests

We must keep to the Party’s goal of strengthening the armed forces under the new conditions, uphold the fundamental principle of the Party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces, strengthen our efforts in all areas in a coordinated way to maintain military preparedness, and ensure border, coastal, and air defense stability.

军队 the armed forces
边防海防空防 border, coastal, and air defense

We will comprehensively strengthen modern logistics, step up national defense research and development of new- and high-technology weapons and equipment, and develop defense related science and technology industries.

高新技术武器装备 new- and high-technology weapons and equipment

We will deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and increase the level of rule of law in their development. We will strengthen efforts to modernize the armed police forces. We will raise public awareness of the importance of national defense, and improve mobilization for national defense and the building of reserve forces.

法治化水平 the level of rule of law in···
国防意识 awareness of the importance of national defense
后备力量建设 the building of reserve forces

We will coordinate national defense development and economic development and deepen the integration of the military and civil sectors. Governments at all levels must always take an active interest in and support the strengthening of our national defense and armed forces, and remain committed to consolidating and increasing the unity between the government and the armed forces and between the people and the armed forces.

Committed to doing 容易错,是doing 而不是 to do 

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