In the modern era, Chinese studies in the West have gone through two main generations: the generation of the historic school and the generation of the ideological school. Contemporary Western perceptions and understanding of China, in both the academic world and popular press, have been informed by the methods and aims of these two schools.
The first generation has guided the world’s understanding of China since the early 20th century. They seek to study China in a historical context. Their methods are deeply cultural. Their studies encompass China’s politics, historical and social conditions, and the personalities who drove China’s history.
The second generation materialized after 1989 in the context of the post Cold War ideological fervor. The entire school was defined by the ideological dichotomy between liberal democracy and authoritarianism. The aim of their studies carried an overtly political and ideological agenda - to prove the Chinese political system is on an inevitable course towards eventual collapse. This school has been largely discredited by facts on the ground and their impact on the future will be limited at best.
A third generation is emerging. This new generation is approaching China with new methods and different aims within different contexts. This development has placed the fundamental frameworks of Chinese studies in transition. How this evolves will have decisive impacts on the world’s interpretations of China.
With the dramatic rise of China in all aspects of its national power in recent decades, some of the brightest minds in political science, history, and economics are beginning to examine closely what it all really means. Many of them are no longer China experts but generalists.
A much more interesting emerging trend is the empirical school. In this approach, the methods center around empirical data and the aim is the objective understanding of Chinese governance in both historic and contemporary contexts.
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