八方宾客(富贵八小碟)Appetizers combination
大展宏图(鲜莲子炖老鸭)Double-boiled duck with lotus seed
紧密合作(杏仁大明虾)Deep-fried prawn with almond
共谋发展(黑椒澳洲牛柳)Pan-fried Australian beef with black pepper
千秋盛世(孜然烤羊排)Roasted lamb chop with cumin
众志成城(杭州笋干卷)Dried bamboo shoot roll, Hangzhou style
四海欢庆(西湖菊花鱼)West Lake fresh water fish
名扬天下(新派叫花鸡)Beggar’s chicken
包罗万象(鲜鲍菇扒时蔬)Braised vegetable with mushroom
风景如画(京扒扇形蔬)Braised seasonal vegetable, Beijing style
携手共赢(生炒牛松饭)Fried rice with minced beef
共建和平(美点映双辉)Chinese petit fours
潮涌钱塘(黑米露汤圆)Sweetened cream of black rice with dumplings
承载梦想(环球鲜果盆)Seasonal fresh fruit platter
冷盘 Hors d’Oeuvres
清汤松茸 Pine Mushroom Soup
松子鳜鱼 Sweet and Sour Mandarin Fish with Pine Nuts
龙井虾仁 Stir-Fried Shrimps with Longjing Tea Leaves
膏蟹酿香橙 Orange-Flavored Crab Meat
东坡牛扒 Hangzhou-Style Fillet Steak
四季蔬果 Braised Vegetables
点心 Pastries
水果、冰淇淋 Fruits and Ice Cream
咖啡和茶 Coffee and Tea
张裕干红 Red Wine Changyu 2012, Beijing China
张裕干白 White Wine Changyu 2011, Beijing China
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