
CATTI 口译备考话题练习:水资源

  在准备CATTI 口译考试的时候,话题的练习是必不可少的,因为这是考试的考点,也是很多考生不太有自信的地方。下面就和沪江小编一起看看关于水资源的CATTI 口译备考话题,了解一下这个话题该怎么准备,希望能对看这篇文章的你产生帮助。


  广泛的影响:manifold implications

  蕴藏在……:can be found in...


  以水的自然循环为灵感源泉:be inspired by the natural water cycle

  The question of drinking water resources is one of the major issues of our century. Its implications are manifold: humanitarian, ecological and geopolitical. One of the possible answers can certainly be found in so-called “nature-based solutions”: solutions that are inspired by the natural water cycle and that encourage the protection and restoration of biospheres.


  将主题定为:focus on the theme...

  几项数据可以说明……:a few figures can illustrate...

  In order to highlight the very promising potential of this type of sustainable solution, this year on World Water Day, the United Nations will focus on the theme: “Nature for Water”. The extent of the challenges that face us can be illustrated by a few figures.

  据最新一份《联合国世界水资源开发报告》显示,全世界有 36 亿人——约占世界人口的一半——生活在1年中至少有1个月可能缺水的地区。到2050年,这个数字很可能会超过50亿。

  缺水的地区:water-scarce areas

  1年中至少有1个月:at least one month a year

  超过50亿:rise to more than 5 billion

  According to the latest United Nations world water development report, 3.6 billion people around the world, which is about half of the world’s population, live in potentially water-scarce areas during at least one month a year. This figure could rise to more than 5 billion in 2050.

  在同一时期,全球水需求量可能从当前的约每年 4600 立方千米增长到每年5500或6000立方千米。目前每年4600立方千米的全球淡水取用量,已经接近可持续性的上限,而这一脆弱的平衡还掩盖着不同地域间的巨大差异。

  在同一时期:over the same period

  全球水需求量:the global demand for water

  立方千米:cubic kilometers

  增长到……:reach/ rise to...

  全球淡水取用量:global usage of freshwater

  接近可持续性的上限:be close to the maximum threshold of sustainability

  Over the same period, the global demand for water, currently estimated at around 4,600 km3 per year could reach 5,5003 or 6,000 km3 per year. At 4,600 km3 per year, current global usage of freshwater is already close to the maximum threshold of sustainability and this fragile balance in fact masks the major local and regional disparities.

  有一个例子为我们敲响了警钟:南非的开普敦市即将成为世界上首个严重缺乏饮用水的大型城市。人们把今年4月12日称为“归零日”, 因为届时开普敦市的蓄水量将只有通常水平的13%。

  有一个例子为我们敲响了警钟:one alarming example

  严重缺乏饮用水的大型城市:the first major city in the world to run out of drinking water

  蓄水量:water reserves

  One alarming example is that of Cape Town, South Africa, which is poised to become the first major city in the world to run out of drinking water. “Day zero” is the name given to 12 April 2018, when Cape Town’s water reserves are expected to be at just 13% of their usual level.


  世界水资源匮乏:global water shortage

  众所周知:well known

  消费急剧增长:exponential increase in consumption

  浪费资源的生活方式普遍化:the spread of lifestyles that squander resources

  80%的废水未经处理就排入生态系统:waste water returns to the ecosystem without being treated

  导致生态系统退化:lead to a degradation of ecosystems

  生态不平衡:ecological imbalances

  水资源匮乏:water scarcity

  The reasons for this global shortage are well known: freshwater resources are continuously under the combined pressures of global population growth, climate change, the exponential increase in consumption and the spread of lifestyles that squander resources. One figure illustrates this wastage: 80% of waste water returns to the ecosystem without being treated. These developments are leading to a degradation of ecosystems that further accentuates ecological imbalances and water scarcity.


  地球自然财富:Earth’s natural capital

  保护、管理和修复自然生态系统:protect, manage and restore natural ecosystems

  人类福祉:the well-being of individuals

  保护生物多样性:preserving biodiversity

  植树造林:plan new forests

  引河至洪泛平原:reconnect rivers to flood plains

  解决水管理问题:address water management challenges

  It is therefore urgent for solutions to be found to protect Earth’s natural capital. Solutions that protect, manage and restore natural and modified ecosystems, and that respond to human and ecological challenges in an effective and sustainable manner, improving the well-being of individuals and preserving biodiversity, must be promoted. Planning new forests, reconnecting rivers to flood plains and restoring wetlands are solutions that will, among other things, address contemporary water management challenges, particularly with a view to developing sustainable agriculture and building the cities of tomorrow.


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