The nation's top bankers walked away from a summit with President Barack Obama pledging broad support for his bank-bailout program and efforts to revive the economy, but the meeting failed to resolve tensions over executive pay and the president's tough rhetoric of recent weeks.
The highly unusual meeting, which came after weeks of public feuding between Democrats in Washington and banks, brought President Obama face to face with 15 of the nation's top bank executives, including the heads of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Bank of America Corp., Wells Fargo & Co., Citigroup Inc. and Morgan Stanley. All of the banks have received federal bailout cash -- in some cases after being told they must -- and some have openly bristled over mounting public criticism of their pay and their banks' lending.
在这次极其不同寻常的会议上,奥巴马与美国15位银行老板进行了面对面的磋商,其中包括摩根大通(J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.)、美国银行(Bank of America Corp.)、富国银行(Wells Fargo & Co.)、花旗集团(Citigroup Inc.)和摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的老板。所有与会银行都获得了联邦救助资金(有些是在被告知必须接受的情况下接受的),其中有些银行公开对公众对其薪酬和放贷情况的批评表示不满。此前华盛顿的民主党人士与银行之间的公开敌对状态持续了数周。
That was one topic of discussion Friday at a meeting all sides described as cordial. According to participants, some of the chiefs told the president they want to return their bailout money later this year, but Mr. Obama told them that regulators would permit such a move only if the banks were truly healthy. This account of the meeting is based on interviews with participants, White House aides and others familiar with the gathering.
For his part, Mr. Obama told the group that bankers should be more modest in their compensation and spending practices, participants said. The bankers responded that the administration should try to cool its anti-Wall Street rhetoric.
The economy was also discussed, attendees said, with Bank of America CEO Kenneth Lewis and Northern Trust's Rick Waddell expressing cautious optimism that the downturn is either at or near the bottom of the cycle. There was agreement that despite the tension of recent weeks, the White House needs investors to implement its banking and housing programs, and the financial system needs the government for capital.
与会者说,经济也是一个议题,美国银行首席执行长刘易斯 (Kenneth Lewis)和北美信托(Northern Trust)的威德尔(Rick Waddell)表达了谨慎乐观的看法:当前的低迷要么是到了本周期的底部,要么接近底部。与会者一致认为,尽管最近几周出现紧张气氛,白宫需要投资者来实施银行和住房计划,金融体系则需要政府来获得资金。
'I think there are very few financial institutions who would not say we've made mistakes and that we feel awful bad about the mistakes we have made,' Mr. Lewis said after the meeting. But 'at some point you have to stop focusing on the past, and focus on the present.'
Said Robert Kelly, CEO of Bank of New York Mellon: 'Our interests are very much aligned with the administration's.'
纽约银行(Bank of New York Mellon)首席执行长凯利(Robert Kelly)说,我们的利益与政府的利益基本相符。
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