On the heels of a handfull of untoward events that have emerged from the Palace Museum in recent months, there is now another embarrassment to endure.
A message posted on China's domestic version of Twitter called "Weibo", or micro blog, seized a lot of attention over the weekend.
A netizen named Long Can revealed that a thousand year old porcelain piece collected by the Palace Museum was damaged. The museum admitted the damage one day later.
The question is, how did Long Can know about the damage in the first place? CCTV conducted a phone interview with him to find out.
Long Can said, "It's about 20 days ago that the case happened and I knew it some ten days ago. It's my teacher, an expert on collecting in Chengdu, that told me something went wrong in the Palace Museum. Then he explained very briefly that a porcelain of Ge Kiln from Song Dynasty was badly damaged when it was examined. I was terribly shocked when I heard the news. Then I contacted a few porcelain experts from whom I got more confirm before I posted the message on micro blog."
on the heels of:紧跟
untoward events:突发事件
the Palace Museum:故宫博物院
micro blog:微博
phone interview:电话采访
Ge Kiln:哥窑
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