Jackie Chan and his fellow Hong Kong celebrities are set to stage a three-hour charity concert on April 1st, to raise funds for victims of Japan's massive earthquake and tsunami.
The veteran action star and dozens of singers and actors were in a Hong Kong studio on Thursday, to rehearse and record the theme song for the concert, "Succumb Not to Sorrow." The song, based on an inspirational Japanese poem, will be recorded in both Japanese and Chinese lyrics.
Addressing the Japanese victims, Chan said, "You will not be alone. We will all be by your side." Others attending the recording session included singers Alan Tam, Hacken Lee, Shirley Kwan and Chinese-American rapper Jin.
Hong Kong actor Eric Tsang Chi-wai said, "Today's press conference is to announce that we have decided to hold a candlelight vigil on April 1st for the victims in Japan, in order to express our voice and support from Hong Kong residents and artists. We wish they will be fine."
Jackie Chan said, "This is a concept of the Global Village. It doesn't matter if it's a South Asia Disaster, an earthquake in Taiwan, we are in Asia, we need to do something for our neighbour countries and friends. Thus, we prepare to hold the "311 Love Beyond Borders" candlelight vigil in Victoria Park on April 1st."
charity concert:慈善音乐会
raise funds:筹集资金
veteran action star:老牌动作明星
theme song:主题曲
Succumb Not to Sorrow:不要输给心痛
inspirational Japanese poem:日本励志诗
Chinese-American rapper:美籍华裔说唱歌手
press conference:记者招待会
candlelight vigil:烛光晚会
Global Village:地球村
311 Love Beyond Borders:311爱心无国界
Victoria Park:维多利亚公园
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