Secondly, the continued, intensified, and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries has provided new opportunities for Confucius Institutes. At present, China is undergoing an unprecedented process of urbanization and industrialization in terms of scale and range, with new strides constantly made in the modernization drive. But we are keenly aware thatChina still remains the largest developing country in the world and there is an arduous task ahead before the goals of modernization are reached.
1.不断深化与各国的互利合作 the continued, intensified, and mutually beneficial cooperation between China and other countries
这里的深化...在翻译成英文时用了词性转化,转换成了形容词,indensified,表示更密集,更深层的意思。整个动宾短语,一律将修饰词前置作了定语修饰,不断这个副词翻成了continued,形容词。这种翻译方法显得十分地道,老练。互利合作:mutual benefit
2.正经历着一场历史上规模最大、范围最广的工业化、城镇化进程 undergoing an unprecedented process of urbanization and industrialization in terms of scale and range
这个句子的翻译也非常出彩。历史上我们一般会联想到in the history,而这里用的unprecedented是前所未有,史无前例的意思,与后面的in terms of scale and range 构成的意思正好是规模,范围史无前例的意思,突出了句子的本意。工业化,城镇化:urbanization and industrialization
3.清醒地认识到 are keenly aware 这个词组是很常用的,尤其是keen这个单词的意思非常多,大家需要注意。
4.实现现代化建设的目标还需要长期艰苦努力 there is an arduous task ahead before the goals of modernization are reached
The Chinese people know that the destiny of modern China is interdependent on the development of the world. China's development cannot be isolated from the world's development and vice versa. China will stick to the path of peaceful development and adopt the opening-door strategy for mutual-benefit in a win-win situation. Apart from its endeavor to promote political mutual-trust, economic and trade cooperation between countries, the Chinese government has renewed its efforts to strengthen people-to-people communication. As an important platform for such communication to occur, Confucius Institutes will lay a solid foundation for more intensified collaborations and cooperation between China and other countries.
1.中国的前途命运同世界的发展紧密相连 China is interdependent on the development of the world.
2.中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展也离不开中国。 China's development cannot be isolated from the world's development and vice versa.
在口译中经常碰到这样的句型,...离不开....,....也离不开....,这就是两者不能分离的意思,在句末加个vice versa 就解决问题啦~不用再重复一遍句子了
3.中国将始终坚持走和平发展道路,奉行互利共盈的开放战略 stick to the path of peaceful development and adopt the opening-door strategy for mutual-benefit in a win-win situation
4.人文交流 people-to-people communication
5.奠定未来发展更加坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation for
中文:孔子诞辰英文翻译:confucius' birthday...
《论语》孔子语录选 - 光光词:孔子曲:王叙然学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎...
翻译是英语考试中的常见题型,小到普通测验大到专业的翻译考试,都有它的身影。那么在英语翻译中,很多常见的俗语或者名人名言大家知道该怎么翻译吗?这可不是临场发挥就可以的,它是有一定的翻译规范的。下面就是孔子语录句子的英语翻译,来看看吧。 性相近也,习相远也。 By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they...