



In general, as the largest developing country and an emerging economy, China is ready to and has remained open-minded, guided by the concept of scientific development, being pragmatic and proactive, to strengthen communication and exchanges with other countries and enhance understanding and friendship among one another. We hope to give full play to the unique role of Confucius Institutes in people-to-people communication. Through the exchange and integration among different cultures, civilizations in the world can understand and tolerate each other to the benefit of the people of the world at large, as well as world peace and human development.
1.新兴经济体 emerging economy
这个词组的重要性不用默默说了吧,学口译的人必知的~经济体 economy
2.以开放包容的胸怀、科学发展的思维、积极务实的态度 remained open-minded, guided by the concept of scientific development, being pragmatic and proactive
3.加大多元文化的交流与融合 exchange and integration among different cultures
默默把这个词组提出来,纯粹素想让大家知道,其实多元化文化素可以简单译成different cultures哒~~注意复数哦~
4.造福 to the benefit of
With the support from people of all the relevant countries and the benefits from multiculturlism, Confucius Institutes have grown strongly since their inception, providing convenience for people around the world to learn Chinese and understand the Chinese culture in their home countries. Facing the new situation and opportunities, we still need to adhere to the principle that Confucius Institutes are jointly built, owned, managed and shared by both the Chinese and host institutions. We need to join hands, seize the momentum, and make concerted efforts to strengthen the sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.
1.茁壮成长 grown strongly
2.在家门口 in their home countries
3.坚持 adhere to
4.共建、共有、共管、共享 are jointly built, owned, managed and shared
5.携手合作,顺势而为 join hands, seize the momentum



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