Thirdly, we have made new progress in the development of teaching materials. About 9 collections of Chinese language teaching materials and reference books in 45 languages have been published and more than 400,000 books have been donated to Confucius Institutes. Currently, about 104 Confucius Institutes have developed and published 77 local Chinese language teaching materials, thus greatly alleviating the pressure of textbook shortage. We have provided training on the use of teaching materials in China to 2,500 primary and secondary school teachers from abroad, boosting Chinese language instruction in the host countries.
1.本土汉语教材 local Chinese language teaching materials
2.缓解了教材匮乏问题 alleviating the pressure of textbook shortage
Alleviate 缓解 具体用法举例 The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。 这个词主要用于缓解疼痛,属于比较高级的词汇,如果记不住的话可以参考缓解的其他说法:ease或者help relieve (a crisis)
3.推动了汉语教学 boosting Chinese language instruction
这里的boost比较形象,推动这个词在口译学习中属于绝对高频的翻译词汇,非常重要,所以我们来看一下还有没有其他推动的说法,动词有drive,promote,force,impel,impulse,propel等等,词组搭配有push forward; give impetus to等等。
Fourthly, there emerges a new surge of brand name events. This year, about 300 university presidents and 2000 Confucius Institute directors and teachers have been invited to visit the Shanghai World Expo to get a firsthand feel about the harmonious coexistence of the multiculturalism in the world. During the "Chinese Language Year" in Russia and Spain, Confucius Institutes in these two countries played a major role by staging more than 600 events, attracting more than 300,000 participants. Performance, textbook exhibition and cultural lecture tours have been taken place in more than 300 Confucius Institutes in over 50 countries, further tapping into the cultural functioning of Confucius Institutes, and enhancing their influences in the local communities.
1.亲身感受了世界多元文化的交相辉映 get a firsthand feel about the harmonious coexistence of the multiculturalism in the world
这个词组比较长,但是该词组是非常实用的新短语,口译中文化交流是一个很重要的必考专题,所以有必要要知道多元文化如何表达:multiculturalism,而交相辉映那又是一个常考的四字一格,根据语境不同翻译,这里是指文化的和谐共存:the harmonious coexistence
2.汉语年 Chinese Language Year
3.发挥了主力军作用 play a major role 必须要会在翻译时把主力军这样抽象的名词转化为常用词组
4.开展活动 stage events 这里的开展的译法比较特别,需要注意
5.拓展 further tap into
tap into 有利用,开发的意思,拓展就是进一步开发,就是深入 拓展的其他说法 broaden,reach out,widen,expand
6.提升了在当地社会的影响力 enhancing their influences in the local communities.社会影响力 social influences
中文:孔子诞辰英文翻译:confucius' birthday...
《论语》孔子语录选 - 光光词:孔子曲:王叙然学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎有朋自远方来不亦乐乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎人不知而不愠不亦君子乎学而时习之不亦悦乎...
翻译是英语考试中的常见题型,小到普通测验大到专业的翻译考试,都有它的身影。那么在英语翻译中,很多常见的俗语或者名人名言大家知道该怎么翻译吗?这可不是临场发挥就可以的,它是有一定的翻译规范的。下面就是孔子语录句子的英语翻译,来看看吧。 性相近也,习相远也。 By nature, men are nearly alike; by practice, they...