Vivian 杨维嘉
Team Leader of BEC Examination Centre
Shanghai International Studies University
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I. BEC口试简介
Part | Timing | Content | Task Focus | Functions | Relevance to real world |
1 | 3 minutes | personal information and opinions | talk about present circumstances, past experiences, future plans | express opinions and preferences | interviews or general business conversations |
2 | 6 minutes | a chosen business-related topic | talk for 1 minute and organise what they want to say | give information and express/justify opinions | giving presentations at work, including the organisation of discourse, also important in meetings |
3 | 5 minutes | a business-related situation | interactive skills | opinions, reasons, speculating and conceding | participating in meetings, formal or informal |
II. BEC口试评分标准
1.Grammar and vocabulary
-The control of grammatical forms
-Uses a range of appropriate vocabulary
2. Discourse management
-Produces extended stretches of language
-A clear organization of ideas
-Uses a range of cohesive devices
3. Pronunciation
-Appropriate intonation
-Accurate word stress
-Clearly articulated individual sounds
4. Interactive communication
-Initiates and responds appropriately
-Maintains and develops the interaction
-Negotiates towards an outcome
III. BEC口试Part1备考贴士
1. Listen carefully to the questions
2. Be specific to the questions (not off-point)
3. Give an appropriate amount of detail
4. Don’t over-rehearse your answers
IV. BEC口试Part2备考贴士
1. read the whole task before deciding
2. make bullet points on main ideas
3. cohere main ideas with good organisation of the discourse
4. feel comfortable with the vocabulary required
5. avoid hesitation, move on when you have said enough…
V. BEC口试Part3备考贴士
1. read task card carefully within 30 seconds
2. use eye contact and body language to show you are ready to start
3. ask questions to initiate and develop discussion
4. express and ask for views and opinions
5. substantiate views and opinions with relevant personal experience
6. disagree politely
VI. BEC考试备考策略
1. Familiarize yourself with the test format, such as, timing, frames, purposes, and evaluation
2. Build up vocabulary pool and useful expressions.
3. Train yourself note-writing skills by combing and streamlining the main ideas
4. Find a partner to rehearse the test tasks
5. Routinize oral practice, such as, phonetics training, reading aloud the English materials
VII. BEC高频商务短语分享
1. Initiate discussion
-To begin with, how would you like …?
-In the first place, what do you think would be …?
-First of all, let’s have a look at…
2. Clarify meaning and negate politely
-That’s not exactly what I had in mind.
-That’s not exactly what I was getting at.
-That’s not exactly what I was thinking about.
3. Change the focus of discussion
-I think we can discuss …further.
-Perhaps we can discuss … more.
-Maybe we can talk more about ....
4. Present evidence
-Our research shows that…
-We’ve learned that…
-We’re aware of the fact that…
5. Relate personal experience
-It’s been my experience that…
-I have been involved in…
-According to my experience, …
BEC是什么:BEC是剑桥大学商务英语证书考试,英文全称Business English Certificates,1993年进入中国,素有“外企通行证”的美誉。更多>>
BEC备考专题:沪江BEC站为你提供最全面、最快捷的BEC考试资讯和备考资料。现在,有三大BEC备考专题值得你关注。 BEC备考答疑专题>> BEC备考冲刺专题>> BEC公开课专题>>
【英语】BEC口试考官点睛BEC中级口试时间: 5月14日(星期二) 20:00 - 21:00主讲老师: 孙久荣(点击关注老师部落主页>>>)公开课地点: 英语大厅(点击下载CCTalk>>>)(本公开课只有注册用户才能参与,花...