The Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy
At the same time, though, she is kept constantly pregnant , eventually bearing 13 children . Always , she yearns for something more .” I sometimes search my heart and ask myself what I really want. And to my honor , the answer is that I want gaiety , smart clothes and chatter . I want people to admire me and say how pretty I am , and I want him to see and hear them too. I long for him occasionally to emerge from his rapt inner existence that demands so much of him~~I hate people to tell me I am beautiful . I never believed them , and now it would be too late anyway-what would be the point?”
She is , note , only in her late 20s . But already she is pathetically grateful for the least sign oftenderness ;” He actually kissed me for the first time in days
1 yearn 渴望,怀念
例句1 Young men yearn to succeed. 年轻人渴望成功 。
2 gaiety欢乐的,高兴的
例句2 Full of high - spirited gaiety;jolly 兴高采烈的;愉悦的
3 chatter 唠叨,喋喋不休的
例句3 His ceaseless chatter began to annoy me. 他不停的唠叨使我厌烦起来
4 emerge 浮现,呈现
例句4 He emerged from his hiding place 他从躲藏的地方出来
5 rapt 全神贯注,入迷的
例句5 was rapt in thought all evening 整晚上都陷入深深的沉思
6 pathetically 可怜的,可悲的
I wrote it as fervent and pathetically as I could
7 tenderness 温柔,亲切
Go the world over, and after you have put away the wonder and tenderness of youth what is there left?
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