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欢聚世博 - 韦娜词:郭劲松博士曲:王冠奇世博会 欢乐的派对朋友们在这里举杯放飞心中金色的梦想一同分享上海的美每个人都把幸福渴望无论你来自世界何方我们唱啊唱 我们唱啊唱微笑荡漾欢歌飘扬我们举杯 我们歌唱生活美丽 我们坚强...
theme pavilion “主题馆”请看相关报道:The theme for Expo 2010 covers five dimensions: "Urbanian", "City Being", "Urban Planet", "Footprint" and "Dream", which are accordingly represented...
spot check“抽查、随机检查、突击检查”请看相关报导:Visitors to the World Expo should expect at least two rounds of security checks before they can enter the site, local police officials said yeste...
spot check“抽查、随机检查、突击检查”请看相关报导:Visitors to the World Expo should expect at least two rounds of security checks before they can enter the site, local police officials said yeste...
请将下面的句子翻译成中文:We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market.答案:我们想把生...