同声传译:simultaneous interpretation
Interpreting while the speaker is speaking.
交替传译:consecutive interpretation
Interpreting after the speaker has finished.
口译:准 顺 快
The weather is getting warmer and warmer; trees are becoming green, too. On seeing this , I know that spring is coming.
笔译:信 达 雅
The increasing temperatures and the budding trees breathe out the arrival of the spring.
1. 疑=reflection:质疑
2. 易=reduction:简易
3. 异=alteration:变异
4. 意=identification:达意
5. 怡=recreation:心怡
翻译一:The world under heaven, after a long period of division, tends to unite; after a long period of union, tends to divide.
翻译二:The world tends to unite after a long period of separation and vice versa.
Vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true.
翻译一:Santana’s popularity is attributed to its low repair and maintenance cost and spacious interior.
翻译二:Santana is popular because it offers enough space and costs less to get repared.
翻译一:I’d also like to recognize Ming Tsai, the talented chef who has prepared this delicious lunch for us, fusing the flavors of Chinese and American cuisine.
翻译二:I’d also like to recognize Ming Tsai,the talented chef who has made this delicious lunch for us, with the flavors of Chinese and American foods put together.
翻译一:The new Xujiahui commercial area has been expanded to 7 square kilometers from 4.5 square kilometers. The new area stretches to Fenglin Road in the east, Zhongshan Ring Road in the south, Kaixuan Road in the west, and Huaihai Road in the north.
翻译二:The new area has become larger from 4.5 to 7 square kilometers with Fenglin Road in the east ,Zhongshan Ring Road in the south, Kaixuan Road in the west, and Huaihai Road in the north.
翻译一:The first Qin emperor, who united China into one country, mobilized hundreds of thousands of builders to complete what is known today as the Great Wall of China.
翻译二:The first king of Qin dynasty, who united China into one country, ordered thousands of people to bulid the Great Wall .
【英语】口译初体验之“五字法”时间:1月29日(星期二)20:00 - 21:30公开课地点:考试大厅主讲老师: 马洪涛你是口译初学者,是不是觉得口译入门难不好学?口译学习其实没那么神秘。译阁乐教育马洪涛老师整合最新口语口...