It is the present that serves as a connecting link between the past and the future to bring about continuity, eternity and a boundless big whole. Ring the bell of the present, and you will hear the distant echoes of the infinite past and future. That accounts for the fact that the present is inclusive of the past and the future and that the living present is the mist precious.
1,“全仗有‘今’“意即”正是因为‘今’“,其中”正因为“有两种译法,一种是直意为原因状语precisely because,另一种即强调句型,为了与下文”以成其…“衔接流畅,译文选用了第二种译法。
2,“以成其“意为”从而成就了 “,译为bring about,来强调施事者是造成某种结果的直接原因意思相近哒表述还有cause(强调直接原因),lead to(强调造成接果的逐步变化的过程) ,contribute to以及我们前面刚讲到的result in~
3,”一掣现在的铃,无限的过去未来皆遥相呼应。“译为Ring the bell of the present, and you will hear the distant echoes of the infinite past and future.原句木有主语,增译you,这也是对待无主句的常用方法之一。
4,“是…的道理“意即”是…的原因“译为account for(解释),和上文将”是…归宿“和”是…的渊源“译为result in, result from异曲同工
Nowadays two kinds of people don’t know how to care for the present. One kind are sick of the present; the other are crazy about it.Among those who are sick of the present, some are dissatisfied with everything of today that they become nostalgic about yesterday. To them, things nowadays, including politics, laws, morality and social customs, are all inferior to those in the past. They place their only hope on turning the clock back to days of old. They throw themselves heart and soul into the back-to-the-ancients campaign.
1,“厌今“和”乐今“分别译为be sick of和be crazy about
2,”起一种回顾‘过去’的感想“即”怀念过去“故译为they become nostalgic about yesterday.其中,nostalgic意为”怀旧的,令人怀念的“如:Hemingway's writings give us a truly nostalgic account of life in Paris.
3,”不如…“=be inferior to,之前在《我坐了木船》中我们也见到和”不如“意思相近的”比不上“,当时译为cannot compare with(想不起来的童鞋赶快穿越~~)
4,”复古“译为turning the clock back to days of old,如此生动的表述,你值得借鉴~此外还有reviving the old day, returning to the past, reliving yesterday都可以表达此意。下文中也有出现哦~
Some, though also dissatisfied with everything of today like those mentioned above, long for the future instead of the past, so much as that they abandon themselves to dreams and fantasies and even give up many things that can be achieved right now through their own efforts. People of these two categories hinder social progress instead of furthering it.
① 第一句“一派…全同”全都是修饰主语的,译者为了突出后面“但是”的转折意味,将其译为状语
② 第二句正常译,
③ 第三句明显是讲结果的美因茨译为结果状语再合适不过~以so much so that(甚至) 衔接,简洁且流畅~
2.“耽溺于”译为abandon oneself to=addicted to,;
虚无飘渺的空玄境界”意为“想象的世界”故意译为dreams and fantasies,这种”…境“的翻译之前我们也见到过,比如《文学批评无用论》中的”太虚幻境“译为Illusory Land of great void,《巷》中的”洞天幽境“译为heavenly abode,因此我们在翻译时要根据”境“在语境中的各种意思来译~
People who are crazy about the present are generally apathetic and lack high aspirations. They see nothing wrong in the present. Complacent about their present circumstances, they feel no need for progress or creation. Such people abuse the present and stem the tide of progress. There is no difference at all between them and those who are sick of the present.
1,“无志趣无意识“意即”胸无大志,麻木不仁“,故译为are generally apathetic(冷漠的,无动于衷的) and lack high aspirations
2, “对于“现在”一切满足“译为see nothing wrong in the present,采用正说反译,增强了译文的语气,使之更带有讽刺意味
3,翻译“觉得所处境遇可以安乐优游“时,译者也没有字字对照着来,而是译为了be complacent about,
4,“丧失“今”的好处“意即”未能善用‘今‘“或”辜负了’今‘“,现译abuse the present,其中abuse意同misuse~
It is common among human beings to be discontented with the present. They usually dream of something that has not yet come into being with fantasies about its being extremely agreeable and beneficial. But, once that something has become a reality, they call it just so-so and then fall into despair and grow weary of the present. Or they may feel a new environment rather unimpressive, but once things have changed, they begin to think well of it and recall it with tenderness.
1, 这里“厌今“又出了新说法=be discontented with,之前还有be sick of,本段还有一个表述grow weary of来表示此含义~同义替换是翻译的重要技能之一,平时多积累,见到熟悉的词要多延伸,久而久之新技能就get啦
2, “有无限的佳趣,有无疆的福利“译者转换词性,译为be extremely agreeable and beneficial.
3, “身陷其境”此处意为“成为现实“故译为become reality
4, “其境可恋,其情可思”统一译为think well of~
The former case has to do with future expectations, and the latter with past memories. However, given a combination of the two cases, dissatisfaction with the present will become a great moving force of social development. Being contented with things as they are is a kind of inertia. We need to understand that the present is precious not because it can allow us to idle about in the midst of comfort and pleasure, but because it offers us an opportunity to strive to create the future.
1,“前者为企望“将来”的动机;后者为反顾“过去”的动机。“可按”前者属期盼将来,后者属思念过去“之意意译为The former case has to do with future expectations, and the latter with past memories.
2,“若以企望“将来”的动机,而尽“现在”的努力,则厌“今”思想却大足为进化的原动。“说白了就是”如果把盼望将来的劲头和现在的努力相结合,不满现在的态度就可以变为进步的动力“,故译为However, given a combination of the two cases, dissatisfaction with the present will become a great moving force of social development.
Those keen on returning to the past keep telling us how dark and vile the status quo is and what serious wickedness and heavy misfortune it brings. They should understand, however, that what they speak of, if true, is a long-standing inheritance from the past, definitely not a product of today. It is utterly wrong to attribute it all to the present. The only way to change the status quo(现状,原来的状况) is to strive to create the future, not to attempt to revive the past.
2,下文“要晓得“现在”的境象倘若真是这样黑暗,这样卑污,罪恶这样深重,祸患这样剧烈,”是对上文内容上的重复,译为They(增隐藏主语) should understand, however(增关联词), that what they speak of, if true(指代上文内容,意即“如果真如他们所说”)
3,“宿孽”即“旧时的罪孽”译为long-standing inheritance;“断断”=absolutely, definitely ,totally, utterly
综述:对于内容上重复的句子的处理,可用what they had spoken of之类的句式来一笔带过
Now let me sum up briefly as follows:We should not let the present slip away idly, being displeased with it and lost in past memories and the future dreams. Nor should we rest content with the present and thus make absolutely no efforts to achieve future development. Let’s make the best of today so as to create tomorrow. Our deeds of today, good or bad, will have an everlasting impact on the future. It is therefore our duty to keep up with the trend of the times and strive for the well-being of future generations.
1, Idle是个很好用的词,表示“浪费”“虚度“可用idle away,“漫不经心地,白白地”可用idly,他作动词时的小伙伴我们之前都讲过了,idly的同义词有vainly
2, “厌’今’”的新表述,be displeased with
3, “不可…又不可…”依旧是否定词+nor的句式哦~
4, “由“今”所造的功德罪孽,永久不灭。“意即”我们今天的功过,会给将来留下影响“故译为Our deeds of today, good or bad, will have an everlasting impact on the future.
5, “随实在之进行“即”与时俱进“译为keep up with the trend of the times