

学问与趣味Learning and Personal Inclination

梁实秋 Liang Shiqiu

| 译文摘自张培基《英译中国散文选一》

Scholars of the older generation often urge young people to develop interest in learning because they themselves have been enjoying the real pleasure of academic studies. And they are ever ready to cite their own example by way of advice, in hopes of enabling young people to gain access to scholarship in an enjoyable way.

1,“启迪”,通常译为enlighten,但在此处它的意思是“劝告某人做某事”因此译为urge sb to do
2,“不惜现身说法,诱导后学”译为And they are ever ready to cite their own example by way of advice o“不惜”原意“舍得”,在此可作“乐于”解,故译为ever ready,等于 always prepared o “诱导后学”译为by way of advice即可,其中by way of是成语,作“为了”解,等于for the purpose of.(在《我坐了木船》中我们也见过此君~
3,“现身说法”意即“以他们自己做栗子”,译为cite their own example~
4,“诱导后学”中的“诱导”译得也很含蓄~译为in hopes of enable sb to do
5, “走进学问的大门”也可直译为to enter the gate of learning。现译为to gain access to scholarship,其中to gain access to是惯用搭配,作“进入’,、“到达,,解。第二个用法表示“获得”在非文学翻译中也常常使用,如:With a simple search, you can gain access to knowledge about almost any subject out there.


For example, the distinguished scholar Liang Qichao once said wittily, "I always stand for interest-ism. If you broke down Liang Qichao's stuff into its component parts, there would be nothing left except an element named `interest'." Mr. Liang was a man of profound learning who attached much importance to interest. He attained great academic success because he pursued scholarly study solely for its own sake, without any ulterior motive.

1,“梁任公先生就说过”译为the distinguished scholar Liang Qichao once said wittily,梁启超 号“任公”,现译梁的全名为Liang Qichao,并在前面加distinguished scholar,便于外国读者理解梁为何许人。译文还针对上下文添加wittily(风趣地)一词,属增译~
3,“倘若用化学化分‘梁启超’这件东西”译为If you broke down Liang Qichao's stuff into its component parts,其中短语动词broke down意即“分解”= to decompose ,例如Water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen。
4,“无所为而为”译为for its own sake=for the sake of scholarly study ,这个词我们不是第一次见到了~在《中年人的寂寞》和《话说短文》中也有类似表达~


A man who is really interested in learning sometimes does act like one possessed. He forgets his approaching old age and works hard even to the neglect of his meals and sleep. Isn't it but natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly achievements?

1,“像是着了魔一般“译为like one possessed,possessed意为”着魔的,鬼迷心窍的“,常用结构为”be possessed of意为“具有(某种品质,能力)”此时possessed表示“拥有的,占有的”
2,“不知老之将至“=forget one’s approaching age,”废寝忘食“=neglect one’s meal and sleep ,此处根据根据意思直接翻译~保留了原文生动的比喻
3,“苦苦钻研,锲而不舍“提取核心意思,意译为work hard to~
4, “在学问上焉能不有收获?”又是我们之前说过的反问句,此处译为一般疑问句,Isn't it but natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly achievements?转为陈述句即It is natural for a man of such devotion to have great scholarly .


But, though Mr. Lung's later works, such as those on method of historical studies, political and ideological history of the pre-Qin days, as well as those on Mohism, Buddhism and Tao Yuanming, were motivated by his personal inclination, can the same be said of his younger days when he was a pupil chanting ancient Chinese books under a private tutor? Was he motivated by his personal inclination while learning to write stereotyped essays and poems prescribed for the imperials civil service examinations?

2,“从师受业,诵读典籍”译为when he was a pupil chanting ancient Chinese books under a private tutor,其中a pupil。。。under a private teacher表示“从师授业”,private turtor意为‘私塾的老师’, chanting ancient Chinese book表示“诵读典籍”3,“试帖诗”为科举考试所采用的诗体,现和八股文(科举考试所特定的文体)一并译为stereotyped essays and poems prescribed for the imperials civil service examinations~(即科举考试所特定的诗体和文体)



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