

To my mind, the last of the three Nos, i.e., avoid grumbling under any circumstances, is the most important. Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep. When you are faced with problems, try every means to solve them. When you meet with difficulties, do your best to overcome them. Never fret over trifles, nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life. That’s the way to be long-lived.

2,“…心胸开朗,乐观愉快”和“吃也吃得下,睡也睡得着…”首先是无主句要增主语,其次两句有潜在的因果关系,译为Be broad-minded, optimistic and cheerful, and you will be able to eat with a good appetite and enjoy a sound sleep.
2,“决不视芝麻绿豆大的窘境如苏迷庐山般大”不宜直译,译者采取意译法译为Never fret over trifles,其中fret over意为“焦虑于”
3,“也决不毫无原则随遇而安,决不玩世不恭”译者将原文上下两句的意思合并在一起合译为nor take an attitude of cynical indifference towards life


One more important point: According to my personal experience of the past eighty years or so, one should put his brain to frequent use instead of letting it stay idle. The result of experiments made by some foreign scientists has shown that frequent use of the brain leads to longevity instead of doing harm to it as people used to believe. Man’s aging is mainly caused by the death of cerebral cells. However, though the cerebral cells of middle-aged and elderly people keep dying every day, man uses up in his lifetime only one fourth of the total cerebral cells, and new cerebral cells will, under normal conditions, keep growing up daily. As long as you use your head regularly, dead cerebral cells will always be outnumbered by new ones. Regular use of the head will ensure the normal circulation of cerebral blood and our control of the whole bodily function through its coordination.

1,“投闲置散”即“让…闲着”译为letting it stay idle
2,“新生细胞比死亡细胞数目还要多”译为dead cerebral cells will always be outnumbered by new ones,其中 be outnumbered by 意为“在数量上被…超过”

I used to urge, “Never have an idle head!” And I myself have acted accordingly. Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithets: “agile like a swallow” and “walking as if on wings.” They are exaggerating to be sure, but it’s true that I’m in better health than people of the same age. The above has come of plain intuition, without any scientific basis.

So much for my “secret of longevity”.

1,“结果是有人说我…”译为Some people have consequently saddled me with the epithets…其中 to saddle with意即“把…强加给某人”,epithets意为“表述词语,称号”
3, “身轻如燕,健步如飞”译为“agile like a swallow” and “walking as if on wings.”
4,““这就是…”译为So much for…(通常表示一种“到此为止”的意思)
属于一种口语化的表达,贴合原文风格,比如《生活大爆炸》里有一句so much for our friendship with Sheldon即“我们跟谢尔顿的友谊到此为止了” 还有So much for today!(今天就讲这么多吧!)也是很常见的结束语



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