
李克强2016达沃斯论坛致辞 语言点精析下

李克强2016达沃斯论坛致辞 语言点精析(上)

The fundamentals of the Chinese economy have remained unchanged, and our macro policies will maintain continuity and stability. In the meantime, we will continue to innovate means of macro control, implement the proactive fiscal policy with greater intensity and efficiency, and carry out the prudent monetary policy in a flexible and appropriate fashion. We will channel more resources into areas that help strengthen weak links, increase the momentum of development and take development to a higher level, as well as into areas of the new economy that serve to promote economic transformation and upgrading. The current debt ratio for the Chinese government is around 40 percent, and is only around 16 percent for the central government, lower than many other major economies. This has given us space for a proactive fiscal policy. A high savings rate in China means huge potential for the development of multi-tiered capital markets. It also means major leeway for improving financial regulation methods and financial resource allocation. We are in a position to create conditions to gradually lower corporate leverage ratio and financing costs in a market-based and law-based manner. We not only have sufficient policy tools to keep economic performance within the reasonable range. We also have strong ability to prevent systemic or regional risks. In the stage of transition, short-term fluctuations of economic growth are hardly avoidable, but the Chinese economy will not head for a “hard landing”. And we will be able to achieve the main economic and social development targets set for this year.

1,“加力增效” with greater intensity and efficiency,为了保持句式的灵活性,翻译中的状语可以译为多种形式,比如本例中的with+名词,也可译为副词或转译为形容词,如“准确译出…”=give an accurate translation of…
2,“灵活适度”依旧后置译为in a flexible and appropriate fashion,in也是翻译状语的一把好手~
2,” 积极的财政政策”,”稳健的货币政策”都是翻译必背词汇,这里不多说了,背吧骚年们~
①”着力“= channel great effort into, take great pains to, concentrate one's efforts on
②调拨 (钱、资源) : channel funds to the poor countries
③集中 (精力、情感) : Most of his energy was channeled into writing.
④传送:Women are likely to be channeled into jobs as teachers or nurses
5,be in the position to do 意为“有能力能够做某事”等于下文的have (strong) ability to和be able to,这些同义替换词都是值得积累的,其反义表达为be in no position to do文学翻译中常用~


Looking ahead, the Chinese economy has huge potential, strong advantage, broad space and bright prospect. China has a 900 million strong workforce, among whom 170 million have received higher education or training in professional skills. Every year we produce over seven million college graduates and over five million graduates from secondary vocational schools. We are No.1 in the world in terms of the number of science professionals and No.2 in R&D input, with an input of over RMB 1 trillion made last year. China is the second biggest economy, the largest manufacturing country, a major trading nation in goods and services, and a major destination and source of foreign investment. It is also the world’s second largest consumer market. Its middle-income population is in the hundreds of millions and is still expanding. The number of the rural poor is falling year by year, while that of permanent urban residents is growing by over 10 million each year. All these make China a major emerging market with the biggest growth potential. It makes China a big stage where people from every corner could tap into their intellectual potential and start their business. We are optimistic about the current state and future prospect of the Chinese economy. Optimism is a sign of confidence, and in market economy conditions, confidence guides people’s expectations. This in itself generates powerful strength.

1,“…潜力大、优势足、空间广,前景光明”译为…has huge potential, strong advantage, broad space and bright prospect,是典型的主谓结构转偏正结构的手法~
2,“其中”,用among/of +关系代词,译为从句,也是很常见的手法,如:
① 中国菜历史悠久,流派众多,主要代表有‘八大菜系’“=With a long history ,Chinese cuisine has a number of different generes, the main of which are “Eight Cusines”.
② 今年保障性安居工程新安排 740 万套,其中棚户区改造 580 万套,增加 110 万套,= This year, our plan includes building an additional 7.4 million units of government-subsidized housing, of which 5.8 million are to be located in rundown urban areas, an increase of 1.1 million over last year.
3,“中国是世界第二大经济体、第一制造大国,还是货物贸易和服务贸易大国、吸收外资和对外投资大国。”译为China is the second biggest economy, the largest manufacturing country, a major trading nation in goods and services, and a major destination and source of foreign investment.为了避免重复用词,译者将“货物贸易和服务贸易大国”进行了合并翻译,将“吸收外资和对外投资大国灵活译为distination 和 source,这些都是以良好的词汇功底为基础的
4,“中等收入群体数以亿计并日益扩大,农村贫困人口逐年减少,城镇常住人口每年增加上千万”和“这是一个世界上最具增长潜力的新兴大市场,也是各方人才能够充分发挥智力潜能、投资兴业的大舞台”具有隐含的因果关系~因此译为It makes…,笔译时译为which makes…也可以

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Chinese economy is at a crucial stage of transition from old to new growth drivers and a stage of economic transformation and upgrading. We will focus on development as the top priority and promote steady progress as we pursue innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development. We will ensure that the government’s macro policies are stable, industrial policies are well-targeted, micro policies are flexible, reform policies are solid and social policies meet people’s basic needs. While appropriately expanding aggregate demand, we will steadfastly advance supply-side structural reform, concentrate on cutting overcapacity, reducing inventory, deleveraging, lowering costs and strengthening weak links, so that China’s development could be less reliant on natural resources and be more driven by human resources and innovation. This will enable the Chinese economy to maintain medium-high growth rates and move to medium-high development levels.

1,“处于…时期”=at a (crucial) period/stage of
2, “坚持发展第一要务”即“坚持发展为第一要务”= focus on development as the top priority
3,“实行宏观政策要稳、产业政策要准、微观政策要活、改革政策要实、社会政策要托底的总体思路”这句乍看不好译,其实他只透露了一个意思即“我们要做好以下工作,保证宏观政策稳定,产业政策准确,微观政策灵活…”用ensure 来译,即We will ensure that the government’s macro policies are stable, industrial policies are well-targeted, micro policies are flexible, reform policies are solid and social policies meet people’s basic needs.“托底”即“满足人民最基本的需求”
4,“抓好”也是政经类出现的高频词,通常用concentrate/focus on来表示,如“狠抓落实”= focus on implementation
5,“推动发展从过度依赖自然资源转向更多依靠人力人才资源和创新驱动,”译为so that China’s development could be less reliant on natural resources and be more driven by human resources and innovation.此处并未将“推动“译出,因为“推动”也是前面措施的结果,用一个so that足以~

We will guide economic transformation and upgrading through innovation. Innovation is the primary driver of development and an important part of supply-side structural reform. We need to further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and step up efforts to build an innovation-driven country and a strong country in science and technology, so as to provide robust support for economic transformation and upgrading.

1,“供给侧结构性改革“= supply-side structural reform
2,“深入实施“= further implement,注意further的用法,通常是和动词连用~如”进一步/深入推进“=further promote
3,“加快建设创新型国家和世界科技强国,为经济转型升级提供强大支撑“后一句是前一句的目的,用so as to 连接~

We will accelerate the development of the new economy and cultivate new growth drivers. We will vigorously advance innovation in science and technology, work for breakthroughs in major, key technologies, and promote the commercialization of innovation results. We will also advocate mass entrepreneurship and innovation, further promote the “Internet+” strategy, extensively apply the new generation of information technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data and cloud computing. We will promote integrated development of different sectors and facilitate the emergence of more new industries, new forms of business and new business models. It is also necessary to roll out new products and services that better meet the needs of the market and build platforms for mass innovation, crowd sourcing, collective support and crowd funding. This way, we could pool strengths to accelerate innovation and cultivate new areas of economic growth.

1,“加快“= accelerate/speed up
”培育“= cultivate/nurture
”大力推进“= vigorously advance(本段出现了三个”推进“,译为advance /promote
”着力“=work for +名词(通常用work to do)
推出=roll out
3,”汇集各方力量“=pool strengths to

We need to transform and upgrade traditional drivers of growth at a faster pace. Innovation is not only about developing the new economy. It is also about transforming and upgrading traditional industries to give them new vitality. We will implement the Made in China 2025 initiative to make manufacturing more IT-based and smarter. We will conduct custom-tailored and flexible production to meet consumers’ diverse needs. We will accelerate changes in models of production, management and marketing and create new industry chains, supply chains and value chains. This will make Chinese manufacturing more competitive.

1, “围绕满足消费者多样化需求开展个性化定制、柔性化生产,“译为We will conduct custom-tailored and flexible production to meet consumers’ diverse needs,其中custom-tailored意为”个性化的,量身定制的“,这类复合词在文中也多次出现,
2, ”…化“译为-based(本意为”以…为基础的“), 文中除了本段的IT-based(信息化),还有market-based,(市场化)和 law-based,rule-based(法制化),此外政府工作报告中有时也用the law-based governance of the country,表示”依法治国“,同时翻译”以…为载体的“也能用,如Internet-based(以互联网为载体的)

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    李克强2016达沃斯论坛致辞 语言点精析下...

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