The new vision of development that we advocate is also about developing a sharing economy. The sharing economy is one of mass participation. Greater economic globalization and the spread of the Internet have provided a big stage and broad space for entrepreneurship and innovation by the people. Through mass entrepreneurship and innovation, we will combine the innovation activities of the elites with the grassroots, the on-line with the off-line, and companies with research institutes, so that individual efforts of numerous market players will lead to greater synergy for innovation-driven development. If we could make full use of the Internet to efficiently match the massive amounts of information about supply with that about demand, we could then bring about cooperation among and sharing of R&D and professional expertise and skills. The sharing economy is something that everyone can take part in and benefit from. It could unleash everyone’s potential, facilitate reasonable income distribution, expand the middle income group, allow more people, in particular the young, to fulfill their dreams through hard work, and promote social equity and justice.
1,“我们将通过深入推动“双创”,把精英与草根、线上与线下、企业与科研院所的创新活动融合起来,以千千万万市场主体的“微行为”,汇聚成创新发展的“众力量”。“译者在处理这个”多动词句“时,将前两个分句和后两个分句处理为为”手段——目的“的结构,以so that也不失为一种方法~值得参考
2,“充分利用互联网平台,高效率对接海量供需信息,推进科技研发、专业知识、工匠技能的合作共享。“又是一多动词句,译为If we could make full use of the Internet to efficiently match the massive amounts of information about supply with that about demand, we could then bring about cooperation among and sharing of R&D and professional expertise and skills.又是将两句处理为因果关系~
3,facilitate之前我们见过,当时是做“催生“来讲,其本意为”促使,帮助“或”为…提供方便“如“实施培育外贸竞争新优势的政策措施,促进加工贸易转型…”= We will implement policies and measures to enable China’s foreign trade to develop new competitive edges, facilitate the transformation of processing trade…也是出镜率很高的哦
We will enhance economic transformation and upgrading by comprehensively deepening reform. We have relied on reform for the remarkable achievements we made in the past 30-plus years. And fundamentally, we must rely on reform if we are to remove the institutional obstacles hindering development and advance economic transformation and upgrading. We will firmly deepen reform to unlock market vitality and social creativity to a greater extent.
We need to advance structural reform, in particular that on the supply side. The structural problems facing the Chinese economy are about both the supply and demand sides, especially the supply side. We need to advance structural adjustment through reform, reduce inefficient and low-end supply, and expand effective and medium- to high-end supply. This is conducive to economic transformation as well as growth. A major task for us is to phase out outdated production capacity and address overcapacity, especially in steel, coal and other sectors that face difficulty in operation. Initial progress has been made in recent years, as is shown in the lowering production of raw coal and crude steel, but our efforts must well continue. We will adopt a market-based and rules-based approach and apply strict standards in environmental protection, quality and safety. The biggest challenge is how to address possible layoffs in this process. Businesses need to take multiple measures to ensure that their employees will get reemployed. Both the central and local governments should provide necessary support to take care of the affected employees. Overcapacity is a global challenge. The fact that we have taken the initiative to cut overcapacity demonstrates that China is indeed a responsible country.
1, phase out意为“逐步淘汰“如:Apart from a few small pollution and environmental benefits of good, the industry will phase out in Hebei province.(除个别几个污染小、环境效益好的企业外,整个行业将从河北省逐步退出。)
2, “人往哪里去“即”如何安置有可能下岗的人员“故译为how to address possible layoffs in this process.
3,“转岗不下岗“即”保证员工再就业“译为get/be reemployed.有些政策不宜直译,而是要在理解的基础上进行意译~
4,“要对职工分流安置给予必要支持“中的”分流安置“已经体现在前面be reemployed,上了,因此此处译为 take care of the affected employees.(affected employee=前面的possible layoffs)也算传情达意了
We also need to further streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services. We need to transform government functions more rapidly, improve efficiency, and ensure a level-playing field for all players and a pro-innovation institutional environment. We need to give priority to “simplicity” by taking away undue government powers and delegating them directly to the market and society wherever possible. At the same time, we need to strengthen and innovate in market oversight, explore inclusive and effective prudential regulation, and guide and support the healthy development of new business forms and models. For those players that follow the right direction but have encountered problems, we need to give them prompt guidance, fix the problems and remove potential risks. We need to give them reasonable space for development instead of rejecting them outright. As for those conducting illegal operations or fraud in the name of innovation, we will punish them to the full extent of the law. We need to strictly protect intellectual property rights. We also need to promote the “Internet plus government services” model, and set up an open platform of government public services, so that government data could be shared as much as possible. This will make it easier for individuals and companies to get things done and start up businesses, and it will enhance government efficiency.
1,” 坚持“简”字当头”即“把‘简’放在首要位置”,故译为We need to give priority to “simplicity”
2,“因噎废食”比喻要做的事情由于出了点小毛病或怕出问题就索性不去干。此处根据上下文译为rejecting them outright(直接拒绝)即可
3, to the full extent of sth即“最大限度地,在尽可能范围内”如:
① Public Security Minister Meng Jianzhu promised that violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.中国公安部长孟建柱承诺,违法者将受到法律最大限度的追究。
② So I always play it safe and assume that all source material was copyrighted to the full extent of the law.所以,为了不冒险,我总是假定所有的原始资料都是受到法律规定的著作权保护的。
4,This will make…也是典型的表顺承的结构,和前面所讲的as a result一样~
5,“办事创业”= get things done and start up businesses
We will promote in a coordinated way reforms in the fiscal, taxation, finance, investment and other key areas. We have put in place a nation-wide reform to replace business tax with value-added tax. This major effort to cut taxes and lower the tax burden will facilitate the innovative development of modern service industry, SMEs and micro businesses. We will deepen the reform of the financial system, accelerate the improvement of the modern financial regulatory regime and increase the efficiency of financial services in supporting the real economy. We will also intensify reforms in SOEs, rural areas, investment and financing, foster a social credit system and unleash even greater vitality for economic development. The private sector is an important force driving economic development. We will do more to remove obstacles for private businesses, lift unreasonable restrictions on market access and strive to stimulate private investment.
1,“协同推进”= promote in a coordinated way
2,“实施”=put in place这个表述不常见到,用惯了implement,conduct等词,这个词也是让人耳目一新~如:Traders fear that the austerity measures being put in place in many euro zone countries will hit growth.交易商担心的紧缩措施正在付诸实施,在许多国家将打击欧元区经济增长。
3,”全面“这个词,此处译为nation-wide,身为一个高频词,它必然也是有很多替换词的,如Fully,comprehensively, across the board ,in all respects,
4,本段出现两次“深化改革“,分别用了动词deepen和intensify reforms in/of
5,进一步做某事=(we will)do more to…
We will transform and upgrade the economy through opening-up. Opening-up, being one kind of reform itself, will in turn spur reform efforts. No matter how developed China will become, it will always need mutual-learning with the rest of the world, and it will open still wider to the outside. We will enhance our open economy, open wider the service sector and general manufacturing sector, provide more investment opportunities to foreign businesses and foster a fairer, more transparent and predictable investment environment. All companies registered in China, Chinese-funded, foreign-funded, joint ventures or independently-owned, will be treated as equals. Their legitimate rights and interests will be protected, and they will have access to better public services. Facing the current complexities and fluctuations in the international financial markets, China will adhere to a managed, floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies. The fundamentals of the Chinese economy determine that there is no basis for persistent depreciation of the RMB. We have the capacity to keep the RMB basically stable at an adaptive and equilibrium level. China is committed to peaceful development and a win-win strategy of opening-up. We stand ready to work with all other countries to promote inclusive and balanced growth as well as green and sustainable development.
1,“倒逼“即”反过来刺激“,译为in turn spur
2,“取长补短、互学互鉴“= the mutual-learning with the rest of the world
4, “面对当前国际金融市场扑朔迷离的波动,我们将坚持以市场供求为基础、参考一篮子货币进行调节、有管理的浮动汇率制度.”译为Facing the current complexities and fluctuations in the international financial markets, China will adhere to a managed, floating exchange rate regime based on market supply and demand with reference to a basket of currencies.其中“以…为基础”译为based on…,”以…为参考“=with reference to…
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Tianjin is a big port in the world, where people could start a voyage to sail to the vast ocean. For a giant ship to sail far, sustained and strong driving force is needed. China will work with other countries to seize the opportunities brought by the new round of technological and industrial revolution. Together, we will build new engines of economic growth, promote steady recovery of the world economy through transformation and upgrading, and jointly usher in a better future for the development of mankind. I wish this forum a full success.
1,①“同…一道做某事”译为work with sb to do,
2,“预祝…成功“为固定表达=wish …a full success