

开拓进取 锐意创新 共创苏州大学发展新局面

党委书记 王卓君、校长 朱秀林

Forge ahead, Pursue Innovation and Create a Brilliant Future for Soochow University
——2010 New Year Speech

Wang Zhuojun    Zhu Xiulin


Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends,



As the year 2010 is approaching, on behalf of Soochow University party committee and administrative council, we would like to extend our cordial greetings and best wishes to all of you, as well as all the retired and alumni at home and abroad. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude and high respect to leaders of all levels, our university board members as well as friends of all fields who have given care and support to the development of our university.

回眸2009年,我们满怀振奋和激情地见证了新中国60周年华诞盛典,我们为祖国的蒸蒸日上、阔步前进而骄傲和自豪,这一年同样是苏州大学跨越发展、捷报频传的一年。在上级党委、政府的关怀和支持下,在社会各界的关心和帮助下,苏州大学不断深化内涵建设,全面推进高水平大学建设,各项事业呈现出又好又快的发展态势。以开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动为契机和动力,学校胜利召开了第二次发展战略研讨会,全面启动了 “十二五”和至2020年中长期发展规划编制工作,全校师生员工的发展思路更加统一、发展愿景更加强烈、发展步伐更加坚定。

The year 2009 is filled with great achievements for our country. We experienced the very exciting moment when witnessing the grand celebration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China held in Beijing. We felt infinitely exultant and proud that our country has been thriving and prospering with every passing day. 2009 is also a year that Soochow University developed by leaps and bounds. Under the leadership of Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Suzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and with great concern and support from all sides of society, our university consistently deepened its connotation construction, carried forward the building of high-level university, and as a result, all undertakings displayed sound and rapid development tendency. Taking the study and practice of scientific concept of development as an opportunity and impetus, our university successfully convened the second symposium on development strategy and started the compilation of the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” and to 2020 long-term development plan. The development ideas of the whole university became more unified, the desire for development became stronger and steps toward development grew firmer.

2009年,学校“211工程”三期建设稳步推进,科技创新能力不断增强。新增3个国家一级重点学科建设培育点和3个专业学位点;博士后流动站总数增至20个,在全国地方高校中名列第一;研究生报考人数连续三年位列全省研究生培养单位首位;获国家“863”项目7项、“973” 项目2项,国家社科基金重大招标课题2项和重点课题1项,科研项目经费总数突破3亿元,专利申请202项与授权71项再创新高;SCI索引排名名列全国高校第23位;唐仲英血液学研究中心、现代丝绸国家工程实验室、能源学院等一批高水平创新平台相继组建成立,教育部创新团队、国防科技创新团队实现零的突破。校地合作成效喜人,在人才培养、合作研发、成果转化等方面与苏州市有关方面及省内外不少地方开展全面深入合作。苏州大学科技园按照“一园三区”的创新模式加快建设,在通过省级科技园评估验收后又顺利通过国家级科技园的评估考核。

In 2009, stage III works of “211 project” of our university advanced steadily, scientific and technological innovation capability was greatly raised. We won three more national level key disciplines and three more professional degree programs. The number of mobile post-doctoral stations has reached 20, ranking the first among all provincial universities within the country. The number of postgraduate applicants has been the largest among all universities in Jiangsu Province for 3 years in succession. Our university won 7 “863 Project” programs, 2 “973 Project” programs and 3 National Social Science Fund programs. The total research fund in 2009 exceeded 3 billion RMB. A total of 202 patent applications were submitted among which 71 were authorized, which made another new record. The ranking of SCI was 23rd among all colleges and universities in China mainland. A number of renovation platforms, such as Cyrus Chung Ying Tang Research Center of Haematology, state-level Modern Silk Engineering Laboratory and College of Energy were established successively. The building-up of Education Ministry innovation team and national defense technology innovation team made breakthrough. The cooperation with local government, industries, enterprises and other social organizations in the fields of talent training, research and development, transformation of high-tech achievements achieved satisfying results. In accordance with the mode of “one park three areas,” Soochow University Science and Technology Park developed quickly and passed provincial assessment successfully.


With “Soochow Scholar Plan” as the core content, our university continued to   implement the strategy of building up the strength of the university with talented people in 2009. 126 highly qualified specialists were newly attracted to work at our university among which were the “Yangtze Scholars”, “Winners of National Outstanding Youth Foundation” and the “Thousand Talents Scheme”. The overall quality of our faculty and staff members was therefore greatly improved and their innovation ability was significantly strengthened. The reform of the personnel administrative system was pushed forward in a smooth way.


The reform of the mode of talent training was continued, and independent student recruitment pilots went on smoothly. At the 11th National Games, our students won 9 gold medals and 8 silver medals. In the 11th Challenge Cup Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology works competition, our university ranked the third nationally, which was the best performance ever attained in such competition.


Soochow University actively implemented educational globalization strategy. We started the preparatory work of “Soochow University in Laos” and established Phoenix Communication College together with Hong Kong’ s Phoenix Satellite Television. Soochow University was named by the Ministry of Education in the list of higher educational institutes that enroll overseas students of national scholarship awards. Meanwhile, we are listed in the first group of universities with the qualification to enroll overseas students for the master of international Chinese language education. The overall standard of our international exchanges and cooperation was greatly upgraded.


2009 is also a year filled with achievements in the building of party organization, spiritual civilization as well as campus environmental construction. With the advancement of construction of phase II Dushu Lake Campus and Yunxuan Building, physics information building and the building of Golden Mantis School of Architecture and Urban Environment putting into use, the educational infrastructure has been greatly improved.


Looking back to 2009, we feel rejoiced and encouraged. Looking to the future, we are filled with pride and enthusiasm. The upcoming 2010 is a very important year for Soochow University to fully carry out the spirit of the fourth plenary session of the 17th CPC Committee. It is a crucial year for achieving the objectives of the “Eleventh Five-year Plan” of our university. Let’s stick to the scientific concept of development, carry on matter-of-fact attitude, forge ahead, pursue innovation and create a more brilliant future for Soochow University. Let’s make efforts to greet the 110 anniversary celebration of Soochow University with outstanding success.


Finally, may the year 2010 bring you joy, peace, happiness, success and everything you are looking forward to.

Happy new year!

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