



  心照不宣:Give it an understanding but no tongue.

  画蛇添足:to paint the lily

  好高骛远:to aim at the moon

  捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜:Penny wise, pound foolish

  塞翁失马,焉知非福:a blessing in disguise

  一个不成熟的想法:a green thought


  有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎:It is such a delight to have friends coming from afar.

  生于忧患,死于安乐:(As the ancient motto goes,) one prospers in worries and hardship, and perishes in ease and comfort.

  在我当总理以来,我心里总默念着林则徐的两句诗:“苟利国家生死以,岂因祸福避趋之”: I will do whatever to serve my country at the cost of my life regardless of fortune and misfortune.

  说起台湾,我就很动情,不由得想起了一位辛亥革命的老人、国民党元老于右任在他临终前写过的一首哀歌:“葬我于山上兮,望我大陆,大陆不见兮,只有痛哭。葬我于山上兮,望我故乡,故乡不可见兮,永不能忘。山苍苍,野茫茫。山之上,国有殇。”:When Taiwan is mentioned, lots of feelings well up. I can’t help thinking of the late Mr. Yu Youren, a founding member of Guo Ming Dang, and participant of the revolution of 1911. He wrote a poem to express his grief over national division. He wrote such a poem: bury me on the highest mountain top so that I can get a sight of my mainland, mainland I see none, tears of sorrow cascade; bury me on the highest mountain top so I can get a glimpse of my hometown, hometown I see none, but it lived forever in my mind. The lofty sky is deeply blue, the vast openness not seen through, oh, boundless universe,would you hear me, and this elegy of this nation?

  十四、技术性话题(Interpreting Technical Speeches)




  2、We were aboard two US Air Force craft that flew at night from the United Kingdom to Israel, then back through the Azores to Florida. The path allowed us to observe the meteors—some no bigger than agrain of sand—from an altitude of 11-and-a-half kilometers. Images of the meteors were fed through infrared spectrographic-instruments that can detect the unique chemical fingerprints of complex organic molecules of the type that may have seeded life on earth.


  1、The TCM science maintains that yin and yang, (the two opposing and complementary principles in nature,) exist in human body, mutually functional and dependent. According to the philosophical view of TCM, the two aspects of yin and yang are mutually promoting, proportionally changing with the decrease of one resulting in, or from, the increase of the other, and mutually transformational. The balance of yin and yang is essential for the maintenance of good health. And if the balance is upset, health will be hurt and illness will develop. Therefore, TCM pays close attention to the effort of regulating yin and yang and maintaining an appropriate balance between the two.



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