What Do Dreams TellUs?
1 Why do we dream? Do dreams have meanings?These are questions which have troubled man for thousands of years. The oldestsurviving book on the interpretation of dreams is Egyptian and is nearly 4, 000years old. In ancient Greece,it was thought that people who were ill could be cured by telling their dreams.They would relate their dreams to their doctors who would tell them what theymeant and then give them medicine to make them well. The ancient Chinesebelieved that if a pregnant woman dreamed of a bear, she would have a son, andif she dreamed of a snake, she would have a daughter. There are many storiesabout dreams foretelling(预言)thefuture.
2 We certainly do not now believe that dreamsforetell the future. Most scientists believe that dreams are based on events inour own life and on our feelings. The events are usually very recent, mostlywithin the last two days. Our emotions, on the other hand our wishes, hopes andfears may go back many years, even to early childhood.
3 In a dream, events are altered. Adream may contain parts of many real-life events. Most importantly, somethingthat cannot be shown directly may be shown indirectly. For example, you mightdream of driving a large car. This could mean not that you want to have alarger car, but that you desire power, and maybe you want to control otherpeople. Again, you may dream that you are an actor in a play. The play is aboutto start, but you have completely forgoes your lines. This dream may seemstrange because you are not interested in acting, and you never want to be in aplay. But the dream may mean that you have some other problem that you feel istoo difficult for you to solve.
4 Psychologists believe that dreams may behelpful to us. Indeed, people who have been allowed to sleep in experiments, butnot allowed to dream, have become anxious and restless. And when they are laterallowed to sleep as much as they like, they dream more than ever to make us forthe Lost "dream time".
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27 Theancient Greeks believed that their _________could be cured by telling theirdreams.
28 Mostscientists believe that dreams have something to do with_________ daily life.
29 If youdream of driving a large car, it could mean that you want___________
30 Whenpeople are not allowed to dream during sleep, they become__________
1.abide by (=be faithful to; obey) 忠于;遵守 2.be absent from.... 缺席,不在 3.absence or mind (=being absent-minded) 心不在焉 4.absorb (=take up the attention of) 吸引……的注意力(被动语态);be absorbed i...
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