1. screw up 弄糟, 搞砸
2. trip up 犯错误;出差错
3. goof up 出大错,把……搞乱
4. blow it 搞砸
5. mess up 一团糟
6. play the devil with 把……搞乱
7. ruin it 搞砸,弄坏
8. foul up 搞砸
9. make a hash of 弄糟
10. bomb 本意是轰炸,口语表示“把什么给东西搞砸了”
11. go pear-shaped 没把事情做好
12. run into the ground 毁坏,破坏
13. fuck up 搞糟, 搞坏, 闯祸(美国粗俗语,慎用)
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