

Part 2典型案例:




碰到此类“比较利弊型”(comparing advantages and disadvantages)考题,考生一定要从多方面提供拓展信息,并用适当的语言信号标志语把“两者利弊”有条理地组合在自己的话语中。建议考生可以利用准备的1分钟,通过“头脑风暴法”在头脑中检索出话题相关的词汇。例如就本题而言,考生可以在准备期间用草稿纸记录下头脑中所呈现的词汇。记录时要快速,字体不工整或词汇排列凌乱都没关系,总之你是在努力检索相关的词汇就行了。你可能检索到如下词汇:

Advantages of city life and country life:

City life:  exciting; attractive to young people; offering the best schools,hospitals and stores;offering a variety of sports facilities and other leisure activities;many chances of employment; efficient public transportation system

Country life: close to nature; breathing fresh air; enjoying the songs of birds; people in countryside are more friendly/honest/frank with each other;they are more hospitable; a good living environment

Disadvantages of city life and country life:

City life: unhealthy;pollution(e.g. water pollution, air pollution and noise pollution);no natural space for children;far away from nature; noisy;full of pressures;more crimes;overcrowded and expensive living;rush hours and traffic jams

Country life: boring; no exciting event; inefficient transportation; delayed news; isolated from metropolitan city; little opportunity to make a lot of money or to find a job; no entertainment; no good medical service; lack of modern life facilities;lack of good education


A:  In modern societies, most people are in favor of living in big cities because of a better environment to live in. Undoubtedly, a big city has many social,educational and cultural facilities —— pubilc libraries, universities and colleges,museums, art galleries, clubs,etc. It also has a wide variety of big stores,restaurants,theatres and other forms of entertainment. (先介绍城市生活的优点:环境好,设施好,又有很多娱乐场所。)

When it comes to the country,you can find its attraction too. You can be very close to nature. The air is fresh and the sun shines on you warmly.Instead of noise, you hear the singing of birds which makes you relaxed and happy. Life in the country is so great, cozy and colourful.(再介绍乡村生活的优点:靠近自然,空气新鲜,享受阳光,没有噪音,人感到放松,舒适。和城市生活形成鲜明对比。)

However, both the city and the country have their weak sides.There are serious air pollution,ceaseless noise,traffic jams and more crimes in big cities;whereas country life can be very boring with little opportunity to make money.(接着提出城市生活和乡村生活都各有其缺点:城市生活是多空气污染,无休止的噪音,交通堵塞,和更多的犯罪;而乡村生活赚钱的机会比较少。)

As far as I am concerned, I prefer to have a city life as most people do. Modern people can easily adapt themselves to city life. Noise, traffic, violence,etc. are hardly noticeable. I believe that country life is dull and inconvenient. Actually, we modern people are too sophisticated for simple country pleasure. We need more opportunities to meet a variety of interesting people, to get better jobs and to fulfill our ambitions and dreams. In big cities there are always a greater range of jobs for us to choose. I suppose this is one of the most important reasons why so many people want to live in big cities.(最后点明考生自己的观点:更喜欢城市生活。城市人可以很快融入城市生活 —— 噪音、交通、暴力问题很难感觉到。乡村生活很无聊,也不方便。但事实上,城市人已经无法单纯地享受简单生活的快乐了,我们需要更多机会去结识人,找更好的工作,实现梦想。毕竟在大城市里,工作种类是很多的。)

Part 3典型案例:


Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism for the country?




A: It helps to develop the local economy. In many parts of the world, tourism constitutes a major part of the economy.Some areas in certain countries are almost exclusively dependent on income from the tourist trade.But sometimes the natural scenery will be severely spoiled if too many vistors come and there is no proper management and service to match it.

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