Take out
During times of change they should be thinking not only about the strain on the staff but take time out to think of themselves.
1. cause to leave
同义词: remove
2. remove from its packing
3. make a date
同义词:ask out, invite out
4. remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)
同义词:withdraw, draw
5.remove, usually with some force or effort
6.buy and consume food from a restaurant or establishment that sells prepared food
同义词:take away
Take advantage of
Parents who want their children to be fully occupied for all of part of the day can take advantage of our children’s activities.
Exploit, utilize
Take part in
Over the last five years scientists from thirteen countries have been taking part in the project and launching floats in their area of ocean control.
attend: 侧重参加或出席会议或学术活动等。
join: 普通用词,指加入党派、团体或游戏活动等。
participate: 正式用词,特指参加团体活动,暗示以一个积极的角色参加。
take part in: 侧重参加某项群众性、集体性的事业、工作或活动,突出参加者在其中发挥一定的作用。
Take on board
Having reading through the case study, can you just summarise what the problems were that Box Telecom had to take on board?
Consider, think over
Example:I took his advice on board and was very grateful to him.
idiomatic expressions with “Come”
Come up with
Er, and, basically, because not all paperclips are the same lengths, they should come up with some strange answers.
Fortunately no-one was hurt, but these buildings became a huge challenge to architects who finally came up with a remarkable solution…
That’s a good idea. What did you come up with?
One company has come up with the slogan’ Take Your Home With You’,and aim to provide clients with luxury serviced apartments.
通过以上的雅思听力原文,我们看到come up with 这个词组出现在各个section的不同场景中,含义主要为“想出”或“提出”,在回答雅思口语问题时,可以用来回答关于解决方案,或是关于创意的问题。
在同样的时间内,雅思考试的听力有40道题,只能听一遍,BEC高级只有30道题,而且放两遍。那么这两项考试对比,哪个更难,下面,我们一起来详细了解。各个部分的难度比较:(一)听力:雅思:1. 短文填空 (难度:★★★)2. 选择题(单选或双选)+段落选择题 (难度:★★★)3. 选择题+短文填空 (难度:★★★...
很多小伙伴为了出国留学,会选择考雅思。要想考出高分的雅思成绩,那么掌握方法很重要。下面,沪江小编给大家分享应该要怎样才能考到雅思七分,大家可以作为学习的参考。 听读结合法 学习语言的第一步是模仿。模仿的第一步是去“听”和去“看”,这就引出了第一种备考方法——听读结合法。当然,听读结合法的名字也告诉我们,要想学好英语,单单去听或单单去读是没有效果的。最好的方...