


1. move upward

同义词:rise, lift

2. increase in value or to a higher point

同义词:rise, climb

3. move towards


4. travel up, "We ascended the mountain"


Go on


Now, before I go on to health implications of this way of life, I’ll say something about food and nutrition.


1. continue a certain state, condition, or activity

同义词:continue, proceed, keep

2. come to pass

同义词:happen, occur, pass

Go ahead


Well… that seems ok… it’s quite a bit lower than I’ve been paying up to now…

Great… so would you like me to go ahead with that?


1. proceed (with a plan of action)

同义词:plow ahead


idiomatic expressions with ”Deal”

Deal with



Because a number of them deal with the same issues.

Now, let’s deal with assignment questions.


So the counseling services we offer deal with any problem arising from your studies…


They very rarely deal with corporate crime.


It’s very interesting because they are in the middle of problems at the moment and I want you to track how they deal with them…


So how should managers deal with this?

Yes but what’s important is that managers are able to deal with quite high levels of personal stress.


在以上雅思听力的原文中,deal with 频繁出现在不同的场景中,分别涉及到——



dispose of, manage, handle



What's the greatest difficulty you've had at work (or, in your job)?

How did you solve this problem?

What do you use computers for?

What are the benefits of using computers?

Do you need any special facilities in your school subjects?

Do you prefer individual learning or group learning?

Part 2:

Describe a machine or electrical device you would like to buy.

Describe a job you think you would be good at

Describe an occasion when someone gave you important help in a difficult situation.


Do you think students need to gain some work experience before they start working full-time?

Why do you think we often see particular types of people doing particular types of work?

What can the government do to help protect water recourses from pollution?

what ways (in what areas/in what situations) do young people need help?

And in what ways do old people need help?


Cope with



And of course,you have to cope with all this without your usual social network – you know, the social contacts, family and friends you could normally rely on for help.


This is aimed at upgrading the study skills most school-leavers have and help them cope with the increased demands of university study.


Cope with的意思于 deal with是接近的,不过可以用来表示成功处理或应对更为严重的问题或事物。在应用于雅思口语时可用于关于crime,environment pollutions,social problems




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