A set is a collection of objects or things. Each object in a set a member or element of that set.Size of a set is the number of members in the set.
The set of even numbers between 2 and 10 is of size 5:{2,4,6,8,10}.
The set of primes between 2 and 10 is of size 4:{2,3,5,7}.
Each member of set A belongs to A or is in the set A.
A set can not have repeating member:{1,3,1,2}is not a set.
Rearranging the order of the members does not change the set:{1,2,3}is same as{3,2,1}.
Number of ways we can select n objects from a group of m distinct objects is m!/(n!*(m-n)!).
Number of possible ways to pick 4 oscar nominations from a list of 50 movies is 50!/(4!*(50-4)!)=50!/(4!*46!)=50*49*48*47/24=230300.
This does not apply if there are identical objects.
Permutation of Objects
The number of ways n distinct objects can be ordered is n.
Number of ways 6 people can from a queue is 6.
Number of ways 5 different cars can be parked in 5 parking spaces is 5.
This does not apply if there are identical objects or ordering does not matter.
在学习商务英语的过程中,很多小伙伴总是想寻求捷径。其实学习英语是没有捷径的,但是学习的方法有很多。下面是沪江小编给大家分享的商务英语翻译的知识点,大家可以作为学习的参考。 一、翻译者的汉语功底要好 很多人往往忽视了这一点,认为汉语是自己的母语,凭着自己原来的底子应付翻译中的问题,就足够了。但是在实际的翻译过程中,对于一个单词或者一个句型,冥思苦想了半天也得...
从小到大我们经历过的英语考试中,阅读题型都是非常重要的 ,在BEC考试中也是如此,它的篇幅很大,所占分值也比较高。那么对于这部分题型,大家知道里面蕴含了什么知识点吗?下面就给大家来分析分析,想了解的快跟上来吧。 1.上下文句子间内容的内在联系: 例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, salari...
英语阅读题大家已经做过不少了,从小到大的英语考试中,阅读都会占有很大的篇幅,同时也会自己总结一些经验。对于BEC商务英语考试,这里面的阅读题不知道大家应对得如何了。下面就是一些关于BEC阅读题的知识点,希望大家能够注意。 1.上下文句子间内容的内在联系: 例:So far, the national trends in costs for wages, s...